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On Ecological Marxist Philosophy And Its Significance

Posted on:2014-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330452954249Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s reform and opening up and modernization construction, with the constant improvement of the economic development and people’s living standard, more and more environmental problems constantly in front of us. Development is naturally reflect a country powerful and the best way to improve people’s life, but also accompanied by damage to the ecological environment. How to maintain economic growth and ecological harmonious two aspects to achieve a balance, it has become the important theoretical and realistic problem, ecology marxism is to reflect the major issues. Marcuse from the ecology marxism of the early researchers on the third generation of ecological marxism research on behalf of foster, is worried about the deteriorating ecological environment produced, thus produced the idea of "dissimilation consumption", and for the new Marx’s material transformation theory ". Ecology marxism through the analysis of capitalism in the contradictions in the process of development, and damage to the environment to expounds the limitations of the development of capitalism. But always meets with development, ecological destruction, so Marx in his March25,1868, letter to Engels mentioned the concept of ecological problem. In modern times, the development of countries and competition, the developed capitalist countries and the developing countries different economic level, ecological problems become the inevitable result of industrialization and modernization,. And ecological issues is not only unique to the capitalist society, socialist society also exists the problem.This paper from three aspects: first, the ecology of the emergence and development of marxism, philosophy theory is analyzed, involving ecology marxism’s basic situation, basic principle and theory analysis. Second, through the analysis of the ecology of early marxist scholar marcuse’s thought, foster ideas of ecology and the third generation of scholars, thus further elaboration and analysis of the contemporary connotation of ecology marxism, as well as the problems generated by the study, a more in‐depth analysis and critique of ecology, the basic idea of marxism. Third, from theory to reality, analysis our country encountered in the modernization of ecological problems, think about starting after ecological economy, to pursue the harmonious development of ecological environment transformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature, The environment, Ecological marxism, The marxist philosophy
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