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A Comparative Study Of The Cultural Connotations Of "Liu" And "Peach"

Posted on:2015-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431974068Subject:Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of this paper is the National Cultural Semantics of plant category words Liu and Tao which come from the Han nationality cultural background. Although the conceptual meanings are different, both the National Cultural Semantics must be associated in the process of their formation and development because of the same Han nationality cultural background. This article aims at revealing the existence of association between the National Cultural Semantics of Liu and Tao, and from the perspective of cultural concept to find out the impact of the Chinese cultural on the association of the National Cultural Semantics between Liu and Tao.Firstly, this article points out the National Cultural Semantics contrast of the Cross-cultural background is the hot research topic, so the paper puts forward the perspective of the National Cultural Semantics contrast to study the Liu and Tao which from the same cultural background. After making clear the National Cultural words actually have the nature of polysemy, the paper further establishes the classification principles of the National Cultural Semantics of Liu, Tao, namely the principle of stability, exclude homophone principle and the principle of distinction. The three principles provide reliable standards when we divide the National Cultural Semantics of Liu, Tao. And under the guidance of the above three principles, the paper comprehensive collects and sorts the corpus of Liu, Tao, finally finds that Liu has ten semantic items, and Tao has nine semantic items. Subsequently, the Metaphor and Metonymy theory of Cognitive Linguistics are introduced into the semantic analysis of Liu, Tao, respectively study Liu, Tao extending course of the National Cultural semantics for cognitive interpretation, and constructs their semantic extending network based on this cognitive interpretation. In clarifying the National Cultural Semantics and the extending process of Liu and Tao, the paper comprehensive contrasts the National Cultural Semantics of Liu, Tao, not only be from their specific content of the National Cultural Semantics, but also be from the perspective of Liu, Tao cognitive mechanisms of their National Cultural Semantics, in the process of contrast, the paper finds that Liu, Tao have many similar characteristics on their National Cultural semantics, include the semantic color, the semantic category of alleged, the characteristics of source domain, the semantic category of target domain, the Metaphor similar relationship and the Metonymy reflected relationship, which are the contacts between the two lies. Lastly, the article analyzes and explains the common national cultural values of the ancient harmony between nature and people, Bide, ghosts and gods worship, reproduction worship which Liu, Tao reflected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu, Tao, The National Cultural Semantics, Cognitive mechanism, Contrast, Cultural value
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