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Wang Fu And His Prose Research

Posted on:2015-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431972419Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Fu is a writer in Huizhou Qing Dynasty.he creates a large number of literary works, which involve a very broad range of fields.All Wang Fu’s life twists and turn roughly.When he was young,he was always alone and when he was old,he was unyielded in reality and had been trying to change the social culture of scholarship,but after all,the result was disappointed.Wang Fu is a late bloomer writer,the peak of his creation is about in Yong Zheng and Qian long,Rich life experience gave him a variety of creative styles.The study of Wang Fu and his proses not only can help to understand the other prose writers in Wuyuan, as well as the political attitude of the local literati Yong zheng, Qian long period, but also contribute to the research of proses’content and artistic style of Yongzheng and Qianlong period.In the background of Wang Fu’s life experiences and making friends case,this paper try to sort his "double pool anthology", classify his proses,and analyze the ideological content and artistic features of the proses.The study of Wang Fu and his proses in this paper is divided into four parts:The first part is the research of Wang Fu himself,his making friends cases,and his family background.This part introduces Wang Fu’s life experiences,as well as his creative situation, his family background and making friends cases.All of these had an important influence on Wang Fu’s proses creation.Through these studies,we can have a comprehensive awareness of Wang Fu.The second part is the study of Wang Fu’s proses.His proses have a large quantity and different types.This part takes his collection of essays "double pool anthology" for the specific research,sorts all his proses and divides them into four types.The four species are incloud:Comments,Books, Prefaces and Postscripts, Epitaph,Essays,Fu,Biography.The third part is the research of Wang Fu proses style.As the core of Wang Fu’s proses, combined with historical and cultural environment of Wuyuan,this part has a deep and comprehensive study of Wang Fu’s proses.At the same time,this part analysis the style of Wang Fu proses and the reasons for the formation of the art style.The fourth part is comparative study of Wang Fu and Jiangyong. Wang Fu and Jiang Yong was borned at the same time and place, but never meet. Although they have similar experience, but their research methods, research ideas and so on were very different. Through analysis and study of two people, we can deepen the understanding of Wang Fu’s prose creation, also can be more understanding of Wuyuan local creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Fu, prose, classics, rites
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