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Xunzi 's Ethics - Taxi In Political Philosophy

Posted on:2015-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W YangFull Text:PDF
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XunZi’s special value in the history of Chinese thought has been paid more and more attention to. Compared with Confucius and Mencius, Neo confucianism, etc, the uniqueness, purpose and value of the status of XunZi’s thought increasingly becomes the core ideas. Especially the core of XunZi’s thought-Ceremony-gains increasing academic attention.. From an ethical-political philosophy perspective, since1900s,the most controversial issue about XunZi is the nature and status of the intellectual, rather, is the investigate relationship between monarch and the mtelleatual. The general idea of this project is to investigate XunZi’s thought on the nature, status and the bais of the turning point from pre Qin in academic history mission of the intellectual history and look on him as of most central aspect.This article is divided into three main parts. The first section discusses the untellectual in the ethical-political philosophy in Confucius and Mencius, the rise of the intellectual, its relation with DaoTong, the relation of the intellectual and the mandarin in Confucian thought, and its status exalted in Mencius as well.The second part is the most important part of the article, discussing the nature and mission of the intellectual in the XunZi’s through the relation with intellectual’s the monarch,the learning,the ceremong.XunZi’s understanding of intellectual is two fold and ambiguous,On the one side,he insisted on the confunician fundamental idea elat Tao is more cmportant than monarch. and on the other side,he began to lay stress on respecting monarch when the status of untellectul becam moere respectable.Acroding Xunzi,the content of learning of ranged from studing the classics at the beginning to miming the ceremony in the end,in the end,in order that a person can grasp the ethics and do something as a man. In Xunzi’s politiced philosophy,130th ceremory and low are stressed in the same time.The third part of this article explores the relation ship between Xunzi and Hanfeizi,showing how the determination of intellectual in Xunzi’s philosophy was inherifed and traw sported in the tradition of Confucianism and legalism.
Keywords/Search Tags:intellectual, Xun zi, The ethical and politica
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