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Emergence And Loss

Posted on:2015-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W WangFull Text:PDF
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In this paper, the emergence of Body, evanescent, steering‐reset the three aspects, points above their different focus in painting development history and expression, discuss their methodological significance in practice.The text is divided into four parts: the Body of the concept, emergence of the body, the Body of the evanescent, steering and reset.The first part points out that the concept of Body and Body of different levels present in the art.The second part discuss the selection of Greek sculpture and Degas bath female series of paintings, and expounds the two parts work of art, by shaping perfect objects, and moments of truth, which is pointed out that the emergence of the object and the absence of the Body.The third part discuss the selection of Picasso’s Avignon girl, Yves Klein’s monochrome paintings, Marina Abramovic’s behavior art. Respectively, discuss the change of the" object ", from the multifaceted human Body, blue brush to the behavior of the sense of ceremony, Body in the three different functions and significance of works of art. To discuss the lost Body and disappearing object gradually in the three work.The fourth part discuss the art of Giacometti.Through the elaboration of his artistic exploration, analysis of the works, the discourse of Body to reset, or back to thing itself, and through the Body’s perception experience self world.This article comparison, analysis and discuss Body through the western art, put forward the Body as a depicted object, experiences from emerging to evanescent and Body experienced by evanescent to emerge as an artist itself, and the Body to reset the performance and the reason of the focus. This paper analysis and explore the Body’s perception experience to appear in their artistic creation of the world formed by the impact.
Keywords/Search Tags:Body, Arise, Hidden away, Experience
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