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The Beauty Of Xuanzhu And The Sketch And Creation

Posted on:2015-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431493110Subject:Chinese Painting
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"As he can get xuanzhu" from Chuang-tzu Kuai (world) a fable in the article,said Avenue or beautyis not rational, argument and stick out a mile, clearvision to grasp, and must rely on nonrational "trance" and not much, if anyfeeling to grasp. This article mainly from the traditional face natureand there is a huge contrast, mentality of how to face and try to resolve these differences;and inwriting to Chuang-tzu about not much, if any feeling captures some of both real and nihility feeling, inthe constant self experience my "Xuan bead ".Review the following individuals from sketch to thecreation of the inner perception, and gain some experience and learning experiences to imitate theancients when.
Keywords/Search Tags:ink, seclusion, creation, cardiac expression
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