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Deng Hanyi And His Study Of Poetry

Posted on:2015-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431480908Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deng Hanyi is an important poet lost by Ming dynasty in early Qing Dynasty, his poetry、his poetic view and anthology of poetry have certain achievements. This paper is divided into four parts to study him and his poetry.Introduction from combing the early Qing poetry background, Comes to the conclusion that it have three school of poetry in early Qing dynasty, which are Zong Tang school, Zong Song school and Nature poetry school. The remnant and ossified people of Ming dynasty are leading the major position of Nature poetry school. Adherent poet Deng Hanyi places his unique contribution to Nature poetry school. Concludes that academic circles for his research mainly focused on his poetry anthology Shi guan, the other aspects are relatively weak. And then subsequently stated the statues of the significance of this topic and the academic study of Deng Hanyi, and it is pointed out the blind study of Deng Hanyi.The first chapter is from two sides of Deng Hanyi’s life and making friends to make investigation. First of all, make up examination about his life from three aspects which are originally from Nanyang, poor life and Xiaowei as for adherent. Secondly, on the basis of previous research results, consider six people who is Gong Dingzi. Mao Xiang, Yan Guangmin, Shen Fuzeng, Liu Kong Zhong and Gong Weiliu to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Deng Hanyi’s extensively making friends. In a hope of more plump sketched out the image of Deng Hanyi.The second chapter is mainly about Deng Hanyi’s important poetic view. Deng Hanyi’s poetics thought mainly concentrates on the concept of Shi guan. He established his own unique poetics through the creative practice of the pursuit of truth poetry, selected poems and poetry comments. This chapter is mainly from Deng Hanyi’s three poetics, which are the feature of Zong Tang, the color of seeking truth and the pursuit of sense of reality to summarize his unique poetics.The third chapter mainly discusses poems’ creative content and artistic feature of Deng Hanyi. First of all, his poems can be divided into several kinds of History of Poetry, expressing his ambition, traveling for pleasure, withdrawing from society and living in solitude and presenting each other with poems.Examples are discussed in detail for the different types of his poetry. Secondly, analysis of the artistic features of Deng Hanyi’s poetry, summed up his poetry style are Chen Yu Cang Jian and Qing Shen Wen Ming. And he is good at using allusions in his poetry His poetry are Seiko appropriate and antithesis neat, they have a fusion of feelings with the natural setting.The conclusion chapter mainly from the evaluation of Deng Hanyi and his poems, his status in early Qing Dynasty to objectively summary and conclusion this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Hanyi, Poetics, poetry creation, status
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