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Read The Meaning Of The Urchin

Posted on:2015-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431467041Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Unique connotation embodying in urchins’ various naughty behaviors. They areanti-traditional urchin image, a subversion of the traditional good image of naughtyboys, which shows the game spirit and comedy of childrens literature and alsoconveys a tender feeling behind the lively naughtiness. Reading urchin works hasimportant significance for both adults and children. Adults may have a feeling ofreturning to their childhood during reading, getting the mind support and comfort.Meanwhile reading can also deepen their understanding of themselves and children,so they may become more tolerant of childhood. As to children, they can gain asense of self-identity in the process of reading urchin books and see themselves so asto understand and affirm themselves better. Secondly, through happy readingchildren may release the repressed emotions from the reality and be able to seekpsychological compensation. In addition, children may get aesthetic pleasure fromreading those works. Finally, reading urchin works has unique value on the educationfor children. In a word, children in the reading process not only get the joy of game,self-identity, being-understood relationship, contentment sense of dreams comingtrue and aesthetic pleasure as well, but they also feel growing up.
Keywords/Search Tags:childrens literature, urchin, reading, significance
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