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On Yan Lianke 's Novel Creation

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431457306Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese contemporary literature so special is destined to be a presence, an industrious writer rather than genius, and that is Yan. People noticed him, he has written and published the works of nearly200million words, most of these works ultimately sank the vastness of the pioneers in the eighties writing, new realism, a new wave of historical writing them. When he appears again in the late nineties when the novel circles, they are written, such as " date "," daylight fleeting "," Dream of Ding Village " and other works. These novels aroused widespread concern of scholars parties on Yan’s novel research and commentary are endless. However, most of these studies focused on the performance Yan surrealist novel theory, Yan works in the character image analysis, and its novel mode of attention on a particular narrative of the novel by Yan and his grasp of the overall trend in literary fiction the positioning of the history and works of writers embodied the spirit and purpose of orientation, but little attention. Therefore, this article from the Chinese contemporary writer Yan individuals and groups of two writing subject, starting from Yan entire narrative mode of exploration and change, its unique wilderness picture show, as well as the overall value of contemporary writer Yan and comparative analysis of three aspects of orientation departure explore Yan novel positioning and direction.This paper will refer to scholars "late" Writing the concept, select the Enlightenment narrative, misery narrative, the ultimate narration, narrative Yan overall study on the changes, and reveal its intrinsic link and Yan digest using these three narrative modes motives and effects. Secondly, this paper will explore the use of extreme narrative Yan recent years, the creative ideas of change, Yan looking to suit their own narrative style, while also looking for unique label his work; he set his sights on a familiar countryside wild imagination on. Picture of the countryside into the description by the ordinary rigid philosophical implication countryside foll picture portrayal of the wilderness, and then into a more abstract aesthetic implication of the "black fairy tale" metaphor. Finally, this paper will analyze Yan writing values, compared with other contemporary Chinese writers and differences between value orientation, analytical criticism in recent years for his " otherness " of the limitations of writing, and the future direction of Yan writing for the future forecasts.Yan contrast with contemporary Chinese writers writing value orientation and content of the works, not difficult to find that he is a writer with a strong sense of the times; someone called him "Tiger crazy", probably because of its strong sense of writing, writing attention to social reality view and ecstasy of writing state. Works peek from the depths of the human soul, draw attention to the modern sexual soundness, presumably the ultimate value of our study Yan.
Keywords/Search Tags:narrative, wilderness, dark fairy tale, writing values
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