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Research On Comparison Of My Library Systems And Software Estimation

Posted on:2006-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360182457042Subject:Library science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularity of the application of global computer network, a huge number of information has been seen in the form of digitalization. Currently, the digital information resources which people have access to include resources from internet, CD, floppy-disk and so on, and resources from internet is the most popular one .Now there are about a couple of billions net pages and the number is doubled in every 8 months. However, the personalized Internet cannot meet the user's special need. Since people's information demand determined by their various interest, hobby, and objective, the net cannot keep the pace with them. So besides managing the traditional printed information resources as usual, the library should find a new way to provide people with the abundant digital information resources. The users are expecting interactive services to meet their need of professional information from the library. So here comes My Library. Taking My Library as research objective, this paper introduced the basic concept and functional features of My Library system which is the main form of personalization service, compared the system architecture and functional features of several typical foreign My Library systems, tried to find out the key points in the development of My Library system, and predicted the development trend of My Library. Finally, after inducing and withdrawing the estimation index system, the author made a comparison research on the performance of My Library system. The first chapter made a summarization on MyLibrary. As the main digital library service model, MyLibrary has become the most successful solution of the personalization of the digital library. However, as a concept that has just emerged, Mylibrary has not gotten an exact definition. So this paper listed 4 different definition of MyLibrary and made a definition from the author's point of view as considering the meaning of personalization service of the digital library. The author thought Mylibrary as "according to the information need of a person or a group, the system collects and stores the relevant information from internet or self-generated, and then make itself to be an organized information collection which is a digital library that can efficiently facilities people. Then the author introduced the function and characteristics of Mylibrary, and the significance of creating Mylibrary. The chapter 2 made a comparison research on Mylibray and put up with the trend of development. Mylibrary@NCState,My library @LANL are two typical foreign Mylibrary systems ,firstly the paper introduced the services of Mylibrary@NCState which is the first open source software system, and then made a comparison between My library@NCState and My library @LANL which had been developed on the basis of the source software of Mylibrary@NCState. After that the author found out the advantages of Mylibrary@LANL such as the shared library function, the link checking mechanism and so on. Then the author found out the key problems that Mylibrary faced in its development: problems of low adoption rate, privacy, resources retrieval and the faculty member's ability. At last put up with the development trend of Mylibrary. In the term of the fact that creating a Mylibrary determined by the choice of software, Chapter 3 set up an ideal estimation index system on the basis of a comparison of the service objective, type of information resources, the process of information, information retrieval, the output of retrieval result, the cost of purchase and maintain and the collection method between Mylibrary and the public-oriented digital library.The chapter4 made an evaluation and analyses of the software that are used to create the Mylibrary full-text database. Since there are too many kinds of software that are appropriate for it , the paper chose the software on the basis of that it can be get for free. According to this point, the author collected 10 kinds of software that can be used to create the Mylibrary full-text database on the internet after a series activity of download, check and comparison, and then got a result that the super document manager, pick up shells in the sea of internet ,helpful friend, collector, Elib, MYBASE,ASKSAM4 are the most suitable software. On the basis of, the author made a test evaluation of the 8 kinds of software. Through the test the author found out the software, which can meet the demand of creating Mylibrary. Those kinds of software are reliable, and have an insuranrence on the Internet. So from the point of the function and characteristic of the software, we can say that the age for Mylibrary is coming. Chapter 5 is the part of conclusion and forecast. It particularly described that as an emerging concept, Mylibrary came from people's demand of using knowledge in work and learning activities. With the rapid development of Internet and explosion of knowledge, the amount of information is rocketing up; at the same time there comes a lot ofrepeated and useless information, and results in information overload. The traditional digital library cannot satisfy everyone's personal information need, and it is limited by financial, technical and intellectual property problems. Mylibrary is the one to solve those problems. It takes less cost and can give a solution to the problems that frequently faced people. The library and information science will see a big beneficial step because of the application of Mylibrary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comparison
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