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The Effect Of Internet Advertisements

Posted on:2005-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Targeted on the evaluation of Internet advertisements' effect, this thesis presents a quantitative and qualitative analysis through market investigation and database. Meanwhile, on the basis of the analysis, it throws some light on the prospect of Internet advertisements field and also provides some reasonable suggestions about solid operations. In addition, it proves the trend and broad room for this kind of industry to grow, by concrete data. From the crosswise comparison of effects between Internet advertisements and traditional ones, it comes to some valuable conclusions: First, it is better for an Internet advertisement to add some media and the function for key word searching. Second, Internet advertisements show remarkable superiorities that dwarf traditional ones such as radio, magazines, especially when consumers need to know or to seek comprehensive information about certain commodity. Third, Internet advertisements take full advantage of its infinite linking ability and vast searching space to provide a comparing platform for commodity information. Last but not least, Internet advertisements have to choose suitable transmitting mediums, raise their broadcasting frequency as well as consider the developing trend of online trade in order to improve their effect. There are three main sections in this paper. The first one is about the present conditions and the tendency for Internet advertisements, including their styles, characteristics and priorities. The second section classifies all kinds of assessments on different Internet advertisements' effect, discussing the basic principles, the contents and the index for such classification, and how to sort the evaluations of psychological influence on consumers, pointing out some unfavorable factors. The third section employs market investigation, quantitative and qualitative analysis for Internet advertisements to elaborate existing problems, the procedures and methods of survey, the overall situation of interviewees, and the ultimate results in a data analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet advertisements, The effect of Internet advertisements, The evaluation of Internet advertisements
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