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Realization Of Communication Controller In The System Of Pipe Net For Alarming And Monitoring

Posted on:2005-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360152470467Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of communication marketing and technology in the city, more and more communication Venders joined in to share this Cake of income. Their competition is about not only telecom ends and services but also pipes and line sources. In order to protect them, it is necessary to build a set of powerful and complete Manage System for telecom pipe net. It is named Alarm System for Monitoring the Telecom Pipe Net.The first version had been tested by the customer, Chengdu bench of china telecom, and verified stably. With the construction of pipe net deeply, more and more problems can't be solved until the newer system coming soon. Because of the standalone device for the first generation of pipe net, it is very difficult to manage and monitor. We have to maintain the device in outside and can't solve the problem of device without moving. So it is necessary to develop a kind of system for managing and monitoring. A set of hardware and software to monitor usage status of the pipe net is presented in the paper. The new system can monitor and manage the equipment of the pipe net in a remote place. It will adopt the newest technology of network, software and Single-Chip Microcomputer (SCM). In the new system, the main work is the developing of communication controller. That's the reason that the new system can be integrated and monitored. For using the Linux operation system and realizes the WEBSERVER, the Communication Controller can finish the remote manage. The new model of Communication Controller is flexibleand valuable. It provides powerful support of technology for the building of next generation pipe net, and cut down the cost of management.
Keywords/Search Tags:CTI, RTOS, Internet Web Server, RTOS Linux, SMS, EMGateway, Emmicro, EM-Embedded Microcontroller
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