Research On Technology Of Web Services Composition Based On Interorganizational Workflow | Posted on:2004-06-21 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:J M Wang | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2168360092970346 | Subject:Computer software and theory | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | The Internet as we know it for today, has finished its first phase----physical infrastructuIeand it is now time to make use of the new comrnunications and processing capacity toproduce value. Usually, the notion of distributed client/serr)er computing is almost limitedto HTMi fOrms interacting with dynandc database-driven web site. Web services are aboutto change the way we think about dynndc regarding the net, introducing the means toprovide services worldwide using a set of common standards, which makes it easier forproducers and consumers of infOrmation to 1ocate each other and exchange infOrmation.Yet this interoperability lacks one crucial aspect necessary for complex applicationst webseri'ices are stateless operations, thus only providing fOr small, atomic applications. Butt"eb sen.ices are composab1e, 1\'hich is an important characteristic of web seri)ices\\brkfloxv, as a primary mechanism to compose Web Sen'ice5 in a nontrivial fashion, iscritical fOr the rapid creation of new, higher-fiJnction \Veb Servicesln this thesis, we focus on the implementation of workflow theory in web servicesorchestration, considering web service as a component of workflow, describing how todevelop a interorganizationa1 workflow and implement it by the technique of orchestraingweb ser\'ice by means like WSFL. We use buying a book on the bookstore site as anexample through this thesis and give its WSFL models at the last part.At first, there u,ill be an overview of web services A more or less fOrmal definition will begix'en xv'hen introducing the term web service. Afterwards an overview of the relatedtechnoIogies is supplied including the service-oriented architecture, the invo1ved ande\'ol\)ing standards, including XMi, which could be viewed as the fOundation of thesestandards Then, the idea of t'7orkflotv is introduced in detail choosing Petri nets to modelthe t\'orkflot"s. t\'hich is used t',ide1y in the mode1 and ana1ysis of DEDS, e.g, distributedsoftt'Jare s}'stem Furthermore, interorganizational workflow is provided using the variantof classic Petri nets f labeled Place/Transition nets to model it The difficulties occur duringthe modeling of interorganizational wodriow are exp1ained and a solution is given f the P2PApproach. At last, a description of the combination of interorganizational workflow withx'eb sen'ices is given. The application of workflow in web services orchestration isin1pIemented by translating the interorganizationaI workflow to the WSFL mode1s, whichcan be described by WSFL... | Keywords/Search Tags: | Web Service, Workflow, Petri nets, Workflow nets, Interorganizational workflow, P2P, Approach, Projection inheritance, WSFL, Flow model, Global Model | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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