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A Project-based Case Study For Teacher's Professional Development

Posted on:2011-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302992186Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Teachers'development has been a long-term topic, which has been raised as a hot topic again along with the emergence of the new curriculum reform and the National Standard of Educatioal Technology for teachers. Teachers are of paramount importance to educational reform. How to pursue professional development for a teacher? The new curriculum reform requires that teachers should be creative, cooperative and be skilled at doing research. Besides, teaching objectives should be diversified and teachers should impart students extensive knowelege and cultivate their high-minded morality. Responded to this tricky problem, many experts rasied many methods such as the idea that techers should participate in researching, the development of school-based curriculum, training, academic salon and so on. But all these lack a tie to link them together.This article aims to summarize the features of each stages during a teacher studying in a project through the authoris recording the teacher's acting and the problems he has confronted and to give the reference corresponding methods he may take, hoping that this could provide more comperehensive methods for teachers'development.This article has completed the following aspects in detail.1. Analyse the current research of teachers'professional development and pointed out the problem they exist in common and that the benefits techers'participating in a project.2. The author has participated the whole project and recorded a teacher's act, the problems and confusion he confronted and the way he studied, students respondence and their works.3. Analyse the pyschological features of each stages of teachersand the problems they may confront and the measures for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:project, teachers'professional development, conceptual ideas, collective intelligence
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