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A Study Of Independent Chinese Teaching Website Development And Application

Posted on:2010-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302964481Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study records the progress and teaching exploration of developing an independent Chinese Teaching website by a high school teacher of Chinese. It shows how persistent she has been in pursuing her believes and reviewing her teaching experience. In this dissertation, we can find out her enthusiasm in integrating current information technology into Chinese Teaching. This article includes four chapters as below:Chapter One:This chapter gives an overview of current situation of independent Chinese Teaching websites. Besides, it has an analysis of the difference between Chinese Teaching Interaction Websites (CTIW) and Chinese Teaching Information Resources Websites (CTIRW). It points out that the CTIRW focuses on improving resources to teach and learn Chinese. The main beneficiaries of using CTIW are the Chinese teachers. However, CTIW, based on Cooperative Learning theory and mainly focusing on students, creates an environment that supports proactive studying and becomes the best resource for students to study Chinese with information technology. The chapter also introduces the overall design of the independent website Teacher Cai's Classroom' ( which includes targeting demand, design principles, functionality, design ideas, system templates and the contents section setting up etc.Chapter Two:This chapter analyses the use of the website "Teacher Cai's Classroom", including its functions and feedbacks. It states how to use the website and the analysis of the use during the past three years. This analysis is based on the website back office data analysis and the questionnaire results. The chapter introduces the development of the Chinese Study Group who use Teacher Cai's Classroom' website as a platform. There are discussions about the issues occurred whilst using the website for teaching Chinese, how to resolve these issues, and suggestions about how to set up a human way of management and motivate students to be willing to get involved in this teaching method.Chapter Three:This chapter shows some case studies of three different teaching structures such as reading, writing and activity classes. These case studies demonstrate how to change the teaching mentality and rebuild teaching methods by using Teacher Cai's Classroom' website. The case studies are 'Self Read in Four Steps', 'Series Training in Descriptive Writing of An Event', 'Original Creative Writing Use Available Resources' and 'Chinese Activity Classes' etc. The author also gives analysis and evaluation on these case studies based on her teaching experience for years. The advantage of using Teacher Cai's Classroom' for reading and writing classes is that it does not need a specific computerised classroom.Chapter Four:This chapter reviews the innovative and inspirational meaning that an independent Chinese Teaching website brings to Chinese Teaching study. It also points out the obstacles occurred while using this teaching method. For example, how the Cooperative Learning format is a bit too superficial, the limitation of using website to assist Chinese Teaching and the lack of theoretic support in this area. Therefore, this chapter finally recommends that, in order to bring the information technology to Chinese Teaching more effectively, we should bring the following efforts into practice. Emphasis on analysing both object and subject conditions, selecting and integrating available resources more carefully, selecting the contents that suitable for Chinese Teaching, promoting the independent websites to be used in Chinese Teaching, support from the school management team and the parents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Independent website of Chinese teacher, Teacher Cai's Classroom', Chinese teaching interaction website, developing, use
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