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On The Configuration Of The Curriculum Resources Of Cultivating Creative Teachers

Posted on:2010-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360278976396Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to answer the challenges the intellectual economy and the creative-force economy bring, we must strengthen the study of how to cultivate creative teachers. Undoubtedly, the configuration of the curriculum resources of cultivating creative teachers is a question worth our careful investigation. In view of the relationship between the training goal and the curriculum resources, and starting from the definition, properties and classification of the curriculum resources of cultivating creative teachers, the thesis makes an initial study of the basic principles underlying their configuration.Unlike teachers in the traditional sense or creative talents in other fields, creative teachers are professionals engaged on educational creation and creative education, whose work centers on developing the creative potentials of the students and make creative talents of them. Therefore, the cultivation of creative teachers should aim to make the creative talents of high attainments in creative-education theories and practice. The curriculum resources of cultivating creative teachers include any curriculum resources needed for the cultivation of the creative- education ability of the potential teachers, which are the necessary condition for the particular training objective.The basic principle underlying the configuration of the curriculum resources of cultivating creative teachers may be summarizes as follows: 1) the configuration must be centered on the cultivating objective and any step should be taken in the light of the objective system; 2) as a result of careful systemic analysis and good correspondence between goal and means, a ideal configuration generally undergoes such steps as setting an objective system, selecting proper curriculum resources, and deciding the structure of the resource system; and finally, the configuration is to be upgraded and perfected through the spiral process of "evaluation→revision→implementation→further evaluation→further revision→further implementation..."...
Keywords/Search Tags:creative teachers, curriculum resources, configuration, cultivation
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