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On Criticism Art In The Work Of Ideological And Political Education About University Students

Posted on:2010-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360278452689Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Criticism is one of the important means in the work of ideological and political education. How to carry out the ideological and political education about the university students ,to help them recognize their own shortcomings, to promote the advantages and to correct shortcomings in the work of ideological and political education, so as to continuously improve their own quality of ideological and political, is an important problem. which is not be ignored when we do the work of ideological and political education. With the establishment and perfection of socialist market economy, the social life has changed a lot.This brought a wide range of effects and impact on the thought and behavior of university students, so some concept has changed ,which shows a multi-characteristics. And then errors will not be the same pattern in the university Students, the nature and composition are complex and diverse. These circumstances require that we can't be simplistic and brutal when we carry out the criticism ,but to pay attention to the art of criticism and grasp the reasons for the error through the complex error performance , so we can effectively carry out the criticism.The article is divided into five parts. The first part of the article, on the basis of the concept of criticism art, points out the aesthetic of performance form in criticism art, comprehensive nature of constituent elements, flexibilit of actual operation, rational say of in the using process , complex characteristic of effective performance, which strongly demonstrates the characteristics of criticism art .The second part discusses the base of theory and practice foundation of criticism art separately from philosophy, psychology, and establishes the feasibility in using the criticism art in the work of ideological and political education. The third part discusses the the necessity of criticism art in the course of the implementation of ideological and political education in colleges. It is the objective requirements of development and perfection in the ways of ideological and political education; it is inevitable requirement to improve and enhance the effectiveness of criticism ways; it can promote the comprehensive development of university students; it can deepen the work of ideological and political education.The fourth part discusses the the principles we should follow in the implementation of criticism arts: Under the principle of investigation and realistic , according to individual's differences in personality, social background and psychological conditions, has the goal to carry out criticism and education, and fully embodies the spirit of humanistic care.The fifth part discusses the the follow-up to criticism in the implementation of criticism art. This aspect is easy to be neglected in the ideological and political education. It is the perfect ending in the criticism process, and can not be ignored, because it is inseparable organic part in the process of criticism and education successfully.
Keywords/Search Tags:university students, ideological and political education work, criticism art
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