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A Study On The Mode For Technical Specialist Of Hunan Province

Posted on:2010-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360275968968Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of 21 century, the trend of economic globalization has led to the rapid development of technological revolution and industrial restructuring. Being aware of the more and more fiercely competition in economy, technology and comprehensive national strength, all the nations in the world, especially the industrial countries, are making every effort to attract the intelligent resource, which has constituted the vital element in the economic construction and social development of a nation.In this paper, the focus of the study is to d technical specialist human resources in Hunan Province of the status as the background, analysis the major problems of current technical specialist cultivate mode, and then through the comparative analysis of the talent cultivate mode abroad, combined the situation in Hunan Province to improve cultivate mode for technical specialists and proposed four modes: "Order-style" mode to the development of vocational education; training mode to promote the technical specialist in-service training; set up cultivate innovative team mode of technical specialist at colleges and universities ; with practical mode of leadership culture and cultivate high-level technical specialist.This paper based on the human resources theory, human capital theory, use a survey comparative study, combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. This article is divided into five chapters, the first chapter, Introduce research background and the meaning of subjects to the study, the paper's research methodology and content, research ideas; the second chapter are related to the definition of the concept and theoretical basis; major Chapter III Analysis of Hunan Province the status of technical specialist resources; Chapter IV reveals the main problems of the existing modes for the technical specialist in the Hunan Province; the fifth chapter study comparative analysis of the talent cultivate mode abroad, the sixth chapter based on the foundation in front of five chapters and propose how to improve the technical specialist.
Keywords/Search Tags:talent resource, technical specialist, mode
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