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From "Rooting Back In China" To "Finding One's Chinese Root"

Posted on:2010-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360275954311Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese is a people who pay great attention to their "root".Living far away from their home place,the Chinese Americans bear complicated conceptions of "root" that change among different groups of the Chinese community in the US in different periods.Since the history of the Chinese immigration to the US in the 1840s,the conceptions of "root" the Chinese Americans bear in mind mainly fall into three categories:Luo Ye Gui Gen-rooting back in China,Luo Di Sheng Gen and even Zhan Cao Chu Gen-rooting in the US and even eager to completely cut their Chinese root,and Xun Zu Wen Gen-finding one's Chinese root.With the Chinese being a minority group in the US,the differences of the three conceptions are caused by political,economic,cultural and family factors,and it is also concerned with the intercultural communication competence and cultural adaptability of the Chinese Americans.This thesis carries out a study on the three "root" conceptions respectively,discussing in which time period one of the conceptions is manifested the most obviously,which group of the Chinese Americans was the most outstanding in bearing the conception,and their mindsets and manifestations.Moreover,it also makes an analysis of the causes in the aspects of politics, economy,culture,family,and the intercultural communication competence and cultural adaptability,which leads to the formation of such conceptions.In addition,it also reveals that there is a developing trend of Chu Chu Wei Jia-feeling at home everywhere,among the Chinese Americans in the 21 st century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese American, conception of "root", Luo Ye Gui Gen, Luo Di Sheng Gen, Zhan Cao Chu Gen, Xun Zu Wen Gen
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