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Language Teaching In Secondary Reading Aesthetic Education Situation Analysis And Countermeasures

Posted on:2009-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y BaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language is an important function of Aesthetic Education, high school language courses should be concerned about the emotional development of students so that students are the influence of the United States, consciously cultivate the aesthetic and noble sense of the aesthetic taste, culture and aesthetic sense to create aesthetic ability. Teachers should be out of the error of the exam-oriented education, through language teaching and extra-curricular activities such as the teaching process, the students establish a correct aesthetics, a healthy aesthetic temperament, training and improve their aesthetic ability, thus shaping the minds of students the United States, a lofty The aesthetic ideal, which is language education is an important objective and one of the tasks.Based on the survey and analysis of the status quo on the basis of the following areas try to read the language of teaching in secondary schools aesthetic education into the study and exploration. Teaching of Reading First is to identify the objectives of Aesthetic Education, the students focus on intuitive awareness, imagination, creativity and emotion of the training, followed by the reading of literary appreciation follow the essential character, teaching school, the reading of the law, and other aesthetic activities, training Aesthetic students the ability to optimize teaching again through mood, teaching content, teaching and teaching methods, such as thematic, aesthetic education completed, the concrete implementation of the final, the paper also cited in the implementation of aesthetic education should avoid the error, to allow reading Formation of aesthetic education as a strong impact on the spiritual realm, thereby comprehensively improve the quality of language a good way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language Teaching of Reading, Aesthetic Education, Present Situation Analysis, Strategies
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