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University's Orientation Of Changsha Development Of Current Situation And Countermeasure

Posted on:2009-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360245973694Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Directional movement is a rising sport in our country. It links intelligence with sports closely. It can not only enhance students' body ability, train students' independent ability of analyzing and solving problems, but also develop students' viability, the sense of competition, and team cooperative spirit. Now directional movement getting the schools is becoming an inevitable trend in order to improve students' overall quality and viability and meet the university physical education reform.This paper pays attention to the development of directional movement in colleges of Changsha by questionnaire and survey. The author handed out 636 questionnaires to teachers and students aiming at know their interest to directional movement, the developing form, security and harm, teaching and training factors. By analyzing the results, this paper gets the following conclusions. College students of Changsha are not very familiar with directional movement. Most of them get information of directional movement by television, newspaper and other media instead of taking part in this sport. Some teachers know little about the sport of directional movement, and especially some young teachers do not completely understand the documents of Ministry of Education and the Hunan Provincial Office of Education. However, teachers and students of colleges accept the sport of directional movement. A large part of the leadership in colleges of Changsha does not pay enough attention to directional movement. For example, they do not set down relative policies of directional movement teaching, training and competitive materials. There are not enough teachers in this area. The form of the title of a technical post and educational lever are not logic. The equipments and the ground required by this sport are not enough. At the same time, colleges do not propagandize for this sport and seldom start this course. However, the league of directional movement and clubs are very common in Changsha city. Most of these are set up by students themselves, and no professional teachers give lessons and instructions to it so that students could not get systematic learning and practice.Facing above situations, this paper gives the following Countermeasures.:1) Strengthening efforts to publicize this sport, getting leaderships' attention, changing traditional idea and setting up relative policies.2) Strengthening teachers-training and developing a rational structure of the teaching staff.3) Bringing the directional movement into the curriculum plan as soon as possible, and developing a reasonable curriculum.4) Strengthening the scientific research on directional movement, enhancing research abilityon this sport, and promoting the rapid development of directional movement.5) Establishing and improving the form of multi-directional movement and promoting thedevelopment of this sport in colleges.6) Make full use of the existing venues and equipments, and constantly opening up new teaching resources to meet the needs of students.7) Strengthening safety education and safety precautions, and relieving the worries of teachersand students.8) Promoting the exchange, giving students more opportunities to train, and creating a goodatmosphere for the development of directional movement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Changsha College, directional movement, development, Countermeasures
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