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On Harmonious Consumption

Posted on:2009-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T G XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360245490697Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the opening reforming, it has made the enormous achievement in economic construction of our country, the social productive forces gradually enhanced, people become much richer and abundant, consumption as the basic economic activity and culture phenomenon, are playing the vitally important role in social life. But because of economic system have shortage, tradition culture, west Consumerism culture penetration under globalization tide and adding fuel to the flame of modern biography matchmaker under effect, there exists serious problem in the consumption field. These problem there existing in consumption culture be affecting the people's consumption activity, and be affecting social mode, have been restricting the overall development of human being, and have been made gigantic environment pressure. The society appeals urgently to realize harmonious consumption. Party has put forward the grand goal of constructing socialist harmonious society since the opening reform on the Sixteenth National Congress. In 2007, the Chinese Consumers' Association regarded"consumption harmony"as the annual theme, It is exactly a repose to this reality.The paper mainly discusses the harmonious consumption in terms of economic ethics, and mainly expounds and proves three questions: Harmonious consumption why can be essential, possible and realizing. Secondly, it has probed into the meaning, essence, characteristic, basic principle of harmonious consumption. The author think: Harmonious consumption is to be regarded consuming as the means, harmonious for the core; people and development in an all-round way of society as object; with people, nature and people, society and people, people and people for the thread one's own relation; brings forward consumption thics of moral education, appraising and code of ethic to the consumer behavior. Harmonious consumption is the unity about the basic behavior of consumption that regards harmonious as a basic characteristic, people and development in an all-round way of society as the final goal, the thread for one's own relation among people, nature and people, society and people, people and people. Harmonious consumption is the coordinated development that consumed among the material, spirit and ecological consumption, It is a kind of behavioral synthesis and distillation of consumption ethics recommended toward our country now. There are four chapters in the paper. Chapter1 is the foreword. Chapter 2 mainly introduces the fact why harmonious consumption is essential. The article has proved the necessity of harmonious consumption from the positive and negative respects: First, there exists a lot of disharmonious consumption phenomena in our country at present, they are serious danger; Second, the harmonious consumption has great value. Chapter 3 has discussed why harmonious consumption could be possible. This text has been proved the harmonious consumption from the theoretical and realistic foundation. The theoretical foundation of harmonious consumption was mainly the theory of harmonious and consumption on Marxism. Harmonious realistic foundation of consumption could be discussed from two views: First, harmonious and consumption could be boiled down to the foundation of material, spirit, politics and ecology; Second, usually explain from three consuming. It should be proved from three elements of consumption. Chapter 4 has discussed why harmonious consumption could be realized. It would be a basic route to realize harmonious consumption that Established harmonious consumption idea, built harmonious consumption environment, set up harmonious consumption systems and formed harmonious consumption habit. Our country needs to improve the socialist market economy system fundamentally besides corresponding international environment. Country, public organization and people should make great, long-term efforts for the realized harmonious consumption.
Keywords/Search Tags:harmony, harmonious society, consumption, harmonious consumption
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