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Research On Traditional Education Of Han Nationality In Gouba With The View Of Gender

Posted on:2009-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are many reasons for the relatively backward development of education in the remote regions in the western of china. Besides the economic factors, I believe that the negative impact of the traditional education on the teenagers can no be ignored.Base on the analysis of the present situation on teenager traditional education in GouBa Tun located in LongLin county (in the Northwest of Guangxi, China) with a view of gender, the paper shows that some bad traditional gender cultural has seriously affected teenagers'healthy growth. Therefore, we must build up the advanced gender culture and guide the masses to change the backward idea in gender in order to promote the development of education in these areas and improve the quality of the population.In this paper, the text is divided into four parts. The first part shows a statement about the launching of this paper and makes a brief review of the academic study on the issue of Gender and education.The second part spreads out the description of Traditional Education status in GouBa Tun.The third part analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the traditional Education, the consequences of traditional education, and the solution. The fourth part is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:gender, traditional education, gender stereotypes
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