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Theory And Practice Of Qian Menglong's Guided Reading Thought

Posted on:2007-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G YangFull Text:PDF
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Qian Menglong rose to prominence as a Chinese teacher at the early part of 80's in last century. The teaching ideology of "'Sanzhu' and 'Sishi' reading way" using by Mr Qian rebel against tradition with its distinct individuality, common theory and practical operation which make Mr Qian very famouse in the realm of Chinese teaching depending on his ability and skill.The guided reading, describe it in a simple way, teacher lead students read text. The guided reading teaching ideology named simply, but deeply in connotation which initatiated a heated dispute, once at language teaching field, even the whole educational circles. It is interesting that the guided reading ideology which came out of the unification world of "language tool theory" and grew up in the hot controversial environment are unex-pected as much same as the spirit of new course revolution, such as: "students independence, cooperation, finding, equal conversation between students and teachers." In this way, we have to think and feel it carefully. The writing aim of this article not only let people understand teacher Qian's guiding reading thought, but also give students some enlightenment on former foudation.The full text is totally divided into three parts.The first part: Discussing 'the guided reading thought' theory of Qian Menglong from both his life experience and the forming process of this theory. Knowing the person talks about a matter, while introduction teacher Qian's guided reading thought, and then letting everyone understand his frustrated life.The second part: Discussing the practice of Qian Menglong's guided reading teaching thought from both 'sishi' teaching mode and the art of classroom question.There is an old saying. "knowing and acting united one". The most outstanding quality of Mr Qian's guided reading thought lies in the best express about the relation between teacher and pupil in the teaching process which examined by practice continuously.The third part: Discussing the contend of Qian's guided reading thought and its inspiration to current language teaching There is an old saying: "know the past well talk nowadays well". We will never be able to therefore, have blind faith in things foreign and cut off our history, though there is an obvious tendency of remoulding Chiness Language teaching with the west education principle in the new course standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qenglong, guided reading, teaching theory, teaching practice
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