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Positive Behavior Support Of Problem Behaviors By Students With Mental Retardation

Posted on:2008-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360212490427Subject:Special education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Students with mental retardation have many disorders, such as cognitive capacity, language skills and communication skills. With these disorders, they usually have poor interpersonal communication skills. So, they frequently employ problem behaviors to communicate with others. In special education classrooms, the increasing problem behaviors have seriously influenced the teachers' teaching efficiency. However, the special education teachers are badly in need of effective behavior intervention strategies.In the current research, two parts of studies are included. First, interview and questionnaire investigation methods were used to investigate the performances and functions of the problem behaviors displayed by students with mental retardation from seven special education schools. The results suggested that nearly half of the students perform inattention behavior; about one-third of the students perform disruptive and impulsivity behaviors; about one-fifth of the students display noncompliance, tantrums and Stereotypic behaviors; more than 11% students show body aggression and verbal aggression. In addition, the results of investigation indicated that inattention, disruptive and impulsivity behaviors were maintained by attention from the teachers and other students. Noncompliance and tantrums behaviors were sensitive to escape and attention as reinforcement. Stereotypical behavior was maintained by automatic reinforcement. Aggression behavior was maintained by negative reinforcement. The results of interview and investigation suggested that verbal language, body guidance and behavior guidance were used to control the above behaviors. These strategies produced little effect.Second, the researcher conducted a functional assessment of 3 students with mental retardation in their classroom environments. Results of the assessments showed that the functions of their behaviors were to gain positive, negative and automatic reinforcements. Intervention packages were implemented sequentially across language and math classes, including modifying structure and curriculum, functional communication training and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior. The interventions were successful in increasing the participators' problem behaviors.Finally, the overall results lead to suggestions for special education teachers, that they should improve their teaching strategies, and heighten their behavior management skills, and train students to use appropriate behaviors to control the students' behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:students with mental retardation, problem behaviors, functional behavioral assessment, positive behavior support
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