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Research On Distribition Of Power In The Organizational Structure Of Universities

Posted on:2011-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330338476573Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
University as a collection of a variety of social functions of large organizations, are responsible for a variety of social responsibility, then at the university there is also a variety of powers. Among universities in China, the exercise of executive power over to become the university management system among the problems. How to enhance the university among the academic power, re-building among the powers of the University system, to achieve the goal of decentralization Zhi Shi is in urgent need of resolution.This total is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter which describes the topics of the background, purpose and meaning. In the second chapter of research related to theories and research at home and abroad has made a review elaborated further in Chapter III which is the current status of China's colleges and universities and problem analysis in chapter IV, which is targeted at research prior to the organizational structure of colleges and universities the implementation of reforms in the power corresponding countermeasures, in the last chapter of the full text of the research is summarized.University's internal administrative power of our country's generalized negative effects as well as in the reform process were the lack of successful practice in circumstances of the case, this article a study from a theoretical point of view, to the reconstruction of the organizational structure to guide the University as a power system rebuild starting point and means that the reform measures, in order to provide theoretical support for the reform process. Among the management system, power is always attached to the main body and the existence and role. To change in the organizational restructuring of power attached to the main level in the management hierarchy and status affect the power system so as to achieve reconstruction method is to point and this innovative research ideas lie.The important point is this: For the university's internal power system model, there is no best, only the most suitable. According to university problems and management of these deficiencies, in the cultural environment and under the influence of traditional management methods to make up for the deficiencies that currently exists, through reform of the various colleges and universities seeking to achieve the power to play their best, mutual coordination and the formulation of reform strategies When the final purpose.This paper argues that China's colleges and universities within the administrative authority for the generalization, bureaucratic management style of the rigid system, one-way impede the status of the University of achievement of objectives to increase the autonomy of colleges and universities sponsoring authority to manage the daily administration of colleges and universities in the management of the concentration of power to the college level, the improve academic power management in colleges and universities among the status and role. Among the colleges and universities to expand the college's self-management authority, to establish a flexible rectangular structure, re-define the new structure that exists among the powers of power within the university system is to reconstruct the specific means and entry points.
Keywords/Search Tags:university, Internal power, Structure
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