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A Longitudinal Research On High School Students' Multiple Goal Motivation Effect

Posted on:2012-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335956863Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On pasted empirical research of multiple goal, it suggested multiple goals groups,when coupled with high mastery goal, promotes more appropriate motivation such as better mental health, more appropriate learning strategy,higher academic performance, more positive emotion. But there is divergent findings about which type of multiple goals promte optimal motivation:some research provided support for high mastery/low performance goals group,some for high mastery/high performance goals group,but the other research revealed which there is no significant difference between the two groups. In an attempt to synthesize there divergent findings, Pintrich (2000a) suggested to examine development trajectories of multiple goals groups'motivation effects over time. In the sense, Students who adopt different multiple goals group might end up in the "same" place in terms of actual achievement or performance but have a very different experience on the way to the overall outcome,mainly cognitive and emotion. To investigate deeply optimal multiple goals group, it is necessary to examine simultaneously subjective and objective outcomes,and adopt longitudinal data to examine accumulating potential goal effects.We have used longitudinal research to examined accumulating multiple goal effects, and explored multiple goals group how to affect goal effects' development trajectories, and optimal multiple goals group in order to explore motivation effects of multiple goals. Specially We have selected 206 senior students as the research object, and tracked survey three times and time span for three months. We have examined simultaneously subjective and objective outcomes including academic emotion,learning strategy, self-efficacy and academic performance. We have used hierarchical linear models_to explore multiple goals group how to affect goal effects' development trajectories and Achievement motive moderator has an influence on it and analysis of variance to explore opitmal multiple goals group. Broadly The core of the conclusion of this research as follows:â‘ Among different multiple goal groups, there is significant differences between academic performance and learning strateg and their development trajectories, but in academic performance of self-efficacy and academic performance and its development trajectories, the differences are not all remarkable.â‘¡Achievement motive moderator has an influence on multiple goals group how to affect motivation effects and development trajectories. The research shows, for multiple goals group, the individuals with high achievement motive are inclined to change sate on relief, hopelessness and boredom and steady state on enjoyment, hope, pride,.anger, anxiety and shame. And tend to prefer learning strategy test and sense of the high self-efficacy.â‘¢In academic emotion, learning strategy, self-efficacy and academic performance,there is no significant differences between high mastery/high performance goals group and high mastery/low performance goals. The difference showed provides support for high mastery/high performance goals. But there is also no significant differences between low mastery/high performance goals group and low mastery/low performance goals group.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiple goal group, Motivation effects, Longitudinal research
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