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First Exploration Of Zhang Boling's Philosophy Of Running Middle Schools

Posted on:2011-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335451958Subject:Subject Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Looking back at China's development of modern middle school education, though it is a little immature and solitude for it just starts, it is neither the product of China, nor the product of the overseas due to the infiltration of western church force, and even stumbles because of social unrest. But finally due to Zhen Guanying, Sheng Xuanhuai, Zhang Boling, Liao Shicheng, Jing Hengyi, and others'advocating and practice, middle school education came into being and grows, enlightens, and trains elites. It is beyond doubt that Zhang Boling leads Chinese modern middle education to a new height because of his enthusiasm, perseverance and struggling to practice establishing Nankai middle school series.Zhang Boling started his course in middle school education and spent his whole life in teaching. Middle school education cost most of his time and energy. It became the focus of his teaching course. Naturally the concept of middle school education becomes the starting point and the core concept of Zhang Boling's whole education philosophy. From the perspective of educational science, to comprehensively review and deeply study his middle school education philosophy will help to restore Zhang Boling's educational thought, truly and objectively. First, Zhang Boling is a educational practitioner whose own education philosophy permeates his practice of running schools, covering the academic structure, curriculum, school management, discipline, sports, extracurricular activities, campus theater, women's education, and other aspects of campus culture.The times call for high-quality middle school education. High-quality education relies on special schools. Special schools need the unique educational philosophy. The Nankai middle school series founded by Zhang Boling are brilliant flowers in modern Chinese education history. Running middle school needs highly advanced and scientific philosophy. To tap Zhang Boling's middle school educational philosophy may lead to explore high-quality elements and formation processes of special schools, then may provide a reference for today's school construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Boling, middle school, running school philosophy
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