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Studies Of Administration Thinking Of Dong Zhongshu

Posted on:2009-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360308979181Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dong Zhongshu is a famous detail of Confucianism during the Western Han Dynasty period who was called "the header of Confucianism". His ideology is broad and quite esoteric in content.The administration thinking is the highlights of his whole ideology. His administration thinking is made of thought reform, the rule of virtue management, the rule of law management, the rule of Personnel management, prohibit other school of thought, abandoning Other school and Only respected Confucian thought. The thesis is composed of five parts mainly, Partâ… is an introduction, is set forth the purpose significance of the study, the research method and correlation study summarizing. Partâ…¡mainly introduce the ideological background of the times and theoretical foundation.â…¢is the focus of this paper introducing the main content of the administration thinking of Dong Zhongshu including the administration culture, management of regulations and law, holding on benevolent, personnel Management. PartIV is concluding part which is made of characteristics, the role of history and the modern value. The proposals adviced by Dong Zhongshu were immediately accepted and putted into practice because they could meet with the needs of social development and the demand of rulers. In fact, the advice was of significant effect. More importantly, the administration ideology of Dong Zhongshu laid the foundation for China's feudal society rules more than 2,000 years. His ideology was referred to as "Neo-Confucianism" by later. The "New Confucianism" system created by Dong truly achieved thought integration among hundreds of scholars first time in the history of China. At the same time, Confucianism became the official ideology from the Western Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Confucian culture became into the mainstream of social and cultural of china after the Western Han Dynasty. The Centripetal force and Cohesion of the Chinese nation was formed based on the administration thinking of Dong. I will analysis the main contents and characteristics of the administration ideology of Dong Zhongshu and revelation for modern society in this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Attention on ethical management, Only Pursuing Confucianism, Management according to law, Review quote system
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