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The Juristic Study On Amendment Of WTO Rules

Posted on:2011-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305981266Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is named as The Juristic Study on Amendment of WTO Rules. By analyzing the formation and influence of WTO rules, it is intended to reveal that the unbalance of benefit between the developing members and the developed members in WTO rules is real and exist in the shadows, which increasingly restrict developing members'growth. The unbalance of benefit between the developing members and the developed members in WTO rules brings in some frictions between the "south" and the "North", which leads to the frustrations in Seattle Ministerial Conference and the break down of Cancun Ministerial Conference, also makes the WTO negotiation in Doha reach to a deadlock. The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system are challenged. Only by amending WTO rules, with common long-term interests, can we successfully not only allocate world resources more effectively and fairly by WTO rules, but also promote the establishment of a new, just and rational international economic order to the benefit of people of all countries.The thesis consists of five parts. The preface introduces that WTO is the embodiment of the Uruguay Round results and the successor to the GATT, which is originated from GATT and is moving forward. Although WTO made outstanding contributions to world economy and international trade, it becomes more and more difficult to fully strengthen the role of itself. People are pressing for a reform of WTO, throughout the International Society. The amendment of WTO rules has become a worldwide tendency. The first part of this magisterial thesis is a summary of the WTO rules. The second part thoroughly discusses the cause of reformation of WTO rules, and it is from two major aspects, such as the actual demand, the style construction. The third part focuses on the possibility and significance of amending of WTO rules. The fourth part mainly introduces and analyses at first; and then some ways of reforming WTO rules are put forward. The fifth part mainly puts forward some of the suggestions for China to adopt in reply to the amending of WTO rules.The great value of WTO does not always cover up the deficiencies of nature in WTO rules. With the change and development of international economic situation, the problems of unbalance of benefit between the developing members and the developed members in WTO rules come out. While the present international situation is developing rapidly, WTO rules dose not adapt for the current situation of international trade and are being gradually out of step with the times. According to the WTO Agreement, amending the provisions of WTO treaties is very difficult and almost impossible, but the successful amendment of TRIPS Agreement let us light the hope.
Keywords/Search Tags:WTO, legal text, Amendment of WTO Rules, Member driven
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