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The Illegal Immigration In The U.S.and Its Legal Control Since 1980s

Posted on:2011-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305962328Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Illegal immigration's history can be traced back to 1924 in the United States. The population of illegal immigration has been much larger since the 1980s, and it has become the focus of the American society. Mexico has been the main source where the illegal immigration come from since 1980s, distributing in America. Global imbalance in economic development, the huge profits in smuggling migrants, the impediment channels of legal migration are the main global reasons for the problem. Loopholes in the United States border management, demands for cheap labors have been the factors attracting illegal immigration; the differences between their hometown and the United States have been the factors motivating the illegal immigration. In addition, illegal immigration are also affected by some economic factors, the migration system and their misunderstandings about the American life. With the illegal immigration in the United States intensifying continuously, it has not only brought more and more problems to the United States and the hometown of illegal immigration, but also brought more and more serious challenges to international community and relations between countries, besides their own lives and property face a lot of harm. Since 1980s, the United States has promulgated several acts to control illegal immigration. Among all these acts, there are three representative laws:Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the Act of 187, and Illegal Immigration Reform and the Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. However, the actual effect of these three acts is limited because of its complex background, cross-cutting interests and other factors. Therefore, the legal control of illegal immigration in the United States has only short-term effectiveness, failing to form a long-term control mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:the United States, Illegal Immigration, Legal Control, 1980s
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