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On The Juvenile Delinquency And Prevention

Posted on:2010-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SunFull Text:PDF
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In the world of "minor crime" and "drug trafficking", "Environmental Pollution" was jointly as "the third-largest public hazard." Legal walking a fine line, consciousness unsound and social phenomena in a variety of decadent breeding ground for the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency. How to effectively prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency to curb the rising trend in the world has become the focus of attention problems.Since the 20th century, 70 years, China's juvenile delinquency straight up, can be said to grow exponentially, causing great harm to society. Faced with this unprecedented situation, people are seriously thinking about not only thinking about the reasons for it, but thought he was the prevention measures. A theoretical have been proposed, a key system was developed, and some have achieved the desired results, and some practice been denied, without an adult crime wave still see signs of subsiding.This paper systematically describes the current status of China's juvenile delinquency, combined with Britain and other developed countries in juvenile crime prevention experience in the field, according to China's current historical conditions, social systems, cultural background and status of the legal system, through a number of related data and experience, materials, seeking a more in-depth analysis to explore the characteristics of China's juvenile delinquency, psychological characteristics, causes and appropriate preventive measures and, accordingly, a complete set of China's juvenile delinquency prevention system response analysis and path selection.Paper is divided into four chapters, the specific content of each chapter are as follows:The first chapter, an overview of juvenile delinquency. Mainly introduces the concept of juvenile delinquency, offenses against minors relevant legal provisions, the relevant basic theoretical research, the status of juvenile delinquency, juvenile crime, the main features and psychological characteristics (the characteristics of juvenile delinquency in China are mainly : Crime sorts, in order to violate the main type of crime; crime and show a younger age; a minor increase in female criminality; criminal means cruelty to see trends and high intelligence; forms of crime, most of the common crime; crime, with the majority of the causes of sudden onset, temporary, randomness), juvenile delinquency reasons (mainly five aspects; family reasons, the school reasons, social reasons, minors their own reasons, legislative judicial reasons).The second chapter describes abroad in the field of juvenile delinquency successful experience. Mainly includes two aspects:First, the introduction of foreign offenses against minors prevention. Proceeding from the historical context, a brief description of the western countries (mainly British and American) Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency of the origin, development, and most Western countries have set up a separate independent juvenile justice organizations to prevent and deal with juvenile crime. Enactment of the United States as the world's first juvenile justice system, juvenile justice and the establishment of the country and around the world in the study of juvenile delinquency related fields have played a role in learning. Successive British and some other Western countries have experienced an evolving process, also according to their own countries to develop the characteristics related to juvenile justice system and the prevention of juvenile delinquency measures.Secondly, rich, full and accurate based on the information from a sound judicial system, emphasizing education, probation, attach importance to moral education, for juvenile delinquency decriminalization of four-pronged approach, skillfully describes the foreign criminal cases against minors the judicial system and treatment program. So that people of the world's major developed Western countries, the judicial system of juvenile delinquency have a more profound understanding of the situation, and more experience to build on the transplant advanced the need for juvenile justice system, and learn from the focus and transplant way to have a clear understanding.The third chapter of Juvenile Delinquency in China put forward a sound system of social prevention and response. The main contents include:First, a brief description of the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in China's social development role. Of reform and opening up the past three decades, China's socialist construction has made great achievements attracting worldwide attention. Taking economic construction as the center of the political and economic system, in promoting the continuous development of society, progress, civilization, but also constantly spawned the development of diversified social structure change. From the superstructure to the economic base, covering the political, economic, social, cultural, legal, moral in many fields, political stability, prosperous economy, and promoting socialist democracy and legal system building of a harmonious society built on coordinated development. However, in the development of diversified social structure, change, delinquency was an increasing problem. Involves and affects all areas of society and at all levels of development. How to effectively contain and preventing juvenile delinquency is directly related to the cause of socialist construction, long-term stability is related to the practice of rule of law and building a harmonious society and realization of the unity.Secondly, the respective pairs of family education, school education, social aspects in the prevention of juvenile delinquency views and propose appropriate measures. In the family education should not only advocating for the legal education of minors themselves, but also to strengthen the legal education of the parents, and comprehensively improve the cultural quality of the parents and the ideological and moral qualities, to change the backward traditional educational concepts and methods to improve family education science, art; in school education, schools should be strengthened legal education of minors, both legal education for students, but also should include the enhancement of teachers of minors to learn the relevant laws to enhance the teacher's personal qualities, to enhance teachers building. Also necessary to strengthen the campus and the surrounding environment, governance, the growth of the students to create a good atmosphere, while enhancing communication between schools and families to establish effective home-school linkage mechanism; in a social context, attention to the comprehensive management of the social environment for minors to build a good environment for the growth of the community to maintain good security situation, strengthen the social and cultural environment.Third, from a psychological point of view on how to build character correctional system. By criminal psychologist "personality theory" analysis of their physical and mental development of minors in the course of their special physical, psychological structure of anti-social behavior resulting from a variety of psychological characteristics. This will fundamentally explain juvenile delinquency and adult crime, much different. Make people more insight into the adoption of the family, school and social guidance on setting up an effective system of personality need to correct. Finally, indicating China's current crimes against minors in criminal legislation should first consider the important issues. Western countries through the juvenile justice system, drawing on theory, we can see that China's current-related criminal substantive law and criminal procedure on how to prevent juvenile delinquency in the area but also a lot of sound, independent of the juvenile justice system has not yet established, but attached to the adult Delinquency judicial system. Therefore, we should continue to improve China's legislation on juvenile delinquency. In this paper, made nine recommendations: improved and the implementation of China's juvenile crime, community corrections; the establishment of juvenile delinquency probation system; the establishment of a minor criminal record and archive system; provisions specifically applicable to juvenile delinquency Non-Penalty Method ; strict control of offenses against minors in pre-trial detention; the establishment of pre-sentencing minors personality inventory system; the establishment of juvenile delinquency stay the prosecution system; to relax the non-prosecution standards, expansion of juvenile delinquency not to prosecute the scope of application of established; a separate juvenile courts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minor, Crime, Prevention
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