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Remold Citizens-a Study On Peasants' Political Socialization In China

Posted on:2010-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275979667Subject:Political sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Humans are good at politics". Humans have studied politics for thousands of years, politics is separated more and more braches, the contents which are studied are more and more extensively, from person to person, man and society, people and systems, people and ecology ...etc. Political socialization is product of modern political science which plays a significant role in our lives. Political revolution is a result of political socialization in modern society, stability of political socialization has a close relationship with political socialization, so it has become the topic that many contemporary western political scholars take delight in talking about. The research to political socialization has been done for only several decades. The topic which I choose is studying political socialization to the peasants during new China. The first, I mainly study political socialization during the period of new China as the subject. With these two qualifiers, we will not make the case irrelevant in grasping the main clues and arguing process as beginners of politics.This article is divided into five parts, including four chapters and the end. The first chapter is the introduction which shows the problems and summarizes the current situation of Chinese peasant political socialization; it also explains writing methods and characteristic of the paper. In the second chapter, I mainly elaborate some basic problems of political socialization and its inner relationship. I have also proved relationship between political socialization and political culture, political acceptance, political participation, political stability. In chapter 3, I have explained the logical route of peasants' political socialization in new China. There are 3 problems in this chapter, at first I have looked back to the means, process and result of the peasants' political socialization during the period of the peasants' revolutions led by the CCPC to find out theory origin and practical model for peasants political socialization. Then I has introduced the different contents and ways which CCPC has guided the peasants political socialization from different periods since new China was founded. Peasants' political socialization guided by the theory of class struggle and its result has been elaborated; At last the article explains the situations and causes why peasants' political socialization has been border assimilation since reforming and opening. In chapter four, remolding citizens: imagination of the peasants' political socialization in modern time. I have proved from four parts: material bases systems, contents and methods, the measures treating informal organization. The fifth part is the ending. I have checked up and concluded the main line to the whole article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peasants' political socialization, Remold citizens, Forming system
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