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Research On Government Countermeasures Of China's Earthquake-hit Areas Reconstruction From People-oriented Perspective

Posted on:2010-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275479881Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A strong earthquake struck Sichuan on 14:28 May.12,2008.Earthquake-strike area suffered severe loss.With the heavy disaster,under the strong leadership of the Central Party Committee,the State Council and the CMC,the people of all nationalities union were strength and did it,at amazing will,courage,power,organized the distaste relief with the highest speed,the wildest scope and the most power in our history,do their utmost to save the lives of the earthquake-strike area,achieved great victory in the fight of the earthquake,showed great brave in the overwhelming,written a moving heroic song.In accordance with our people-oriented,respect for nature,holistic,scientific reconstruction of the principle of scientific development of post-disaster restoration and reconstruction planning,the rapid introduction of a series of policy measures to support the disaster area,active support,quickly organized the reconstruction of post-disaster recovery.Strong support at the central,hit hard work of cadres and the masses,strongly supported by the National People's urban and rural residents rebuild housing,schools, hospitals and other public service facilities in the reconstruction,infrastructure rehabilitation,industrial rehabilitation and restructuring,the protection of historical and cultural and ecological restoration has achieved remarkable results in both,post-disaster restoration and reconstruction made significant achievements,people in the disaster areas are in big strides toward a new life.All of struggle to win a complete victory in earthquake relief has laid a solid foundation.In this paper,a "people-oriented,building a harmonious society" and insist that the scientific concept of development with the guidance of theory,give full play to the political advantages of the socialist system,give the power of the country,effective use of resources.Through careful planning,careful organization and implementation of the material reconstruction of their homes and spiritual home,so that people in the disaster areas in the restoration and reconstruction to win new development opportunities.The main use of empirical analysis and normative analysis,comparative analysis of the method of restoration and reconstruction of China's earthquake-stricken areas of the Government issues response systems,and the interpretation of depth to explore,and with a certain unique and innovative ideas,insights and perspectives.The full text including Introduction,Conclusion,including most of the six.Introduction This paper briefly explained the research themes and the starting point, define and Analysis of the "people-oriented perspective of China's earthquake-stricken areas under the government rehabilitation countermeasures," the basic meaning of the situation and research,this paper put forward a unique "problem--the idea-- Technology Roadmap --practical effect "of the analytical framework,this paper sets out the importance of intention,the main method,the intention of chapter structure and innovation.The first part from the perspective of people-oriented analysis of the restoration and reconstruction of China's earthquake-stricken areas of theoretical guidance and strategic objectives.Analysis of the second part of the earthquake-stricken area of China's restoration of the status quo and facing a major problem.Analysis of the third part of the post-disaster restoration and reconstruction of the international experience and enlightenment.Part four analyzes the relief of Chinese-style - "a province to help the county a disaster," give the power of the National Disaster Relief,"concentrate on doing big things." At the same time,the political advantages of the socialist system here has been a concentrated expression.Summing up the conclusions of the full text and summarized the results of the studies discussed counterparts assistance - Disaster Relief Chinese enlightenment and experience,Chinese-style disaster relief for the world to write the history of a new chapter.In this paper,the following innovations:First,the study,first of all take this article "questions"--"Government response"--"analysis"--"to solve the problem," the analysis of line,seek to empirical investigation,case studies and theoretical analysis of combined; Secondly,this article from the Chinese-style Disaster Relief--"a group of counterparts built a" give the power of the National Disaster Relief,and reveal the superiority of the socialist system in China.Second,analysis methods,in this paper a comparative analysis of normative analysis based on empirical analysis conducted focus.Third,the conclusion of the study,the introduction of this article Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction of urban and rural planning and construction of the practical significance of the new concept of development has a certain significance.Finally,the discussion of the Chinese-style Relief enlightenment and experience, believes that Chinese-style disaster relief for the world to write the history of a new chapter.
Keywords/Search Tags:People-oriented, Aided Reconstructions, Restoration and Reconstruction after Disasters, Government Countermeasures
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