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The Legal Status Of National Educational Testing Institutions

Posted on:2010-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275460411Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the times progress, the theme of our reform has been highlighted in our society. As an important area having close relationship with national economy and people's livelihood, education is full of concerns in the NPC and CPPCC. At the same time, the reform of the education is being carried steadily. College entrance examination, as an important part of education reform, has been included in "The Guidelines for China's Educational Reform and Development'. If the quality education is still un-shareable in the whole society, the situation that fierce competition in the college Entrance Examination is a hot spot of social concern would not be changed. In fact, the academic studies on college entrance examination have provided the intellectual support for reform. Currently, test technology, instruments, methods, management and punishments on infringements of test rules, all of these issues have been caught enough attention by the scholars. It is easily to find books in these aspects. However, concerning for the operators of Educational Testing - the national examination institutions which undertake these jobs, it is attended disinterestedly to the researchers. The information on this issue is mainly exchanged and explored within these institutions. A series of questions, including Why these institutions should intervene in educational examinations, how to exercise their authorities, how to serve better and so on, is of profound theoretical and practical significances on a lot of issues, such as how to promote the rule of law level of examinational activities, how to transform the functions of the educational administrative institutions and how to guarantee the right to receive education.In this paper, the National Educational Testing institutions will be regarded as the object of studies. I will start from analyzing the legitimate reasons for the existence of these institutions. Through comparing horizontally and vertically, I try to find the existing problems. Then I hope to find the possible ways for solving the problems in the educational institutions' reform. This article will be divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. Firstly it analyzes the research background, purpose and significance; and defines some grounding concepts. To further the aims of the paper,. Chapter 2 examines the legitimate reason of the intervention by national educational institutions, to point out that, under the unified standard, the country use test as a means to distribute the educational resources fairly. Chapter 3 is the comparing part, Which choose college entrance examination that is representation of National Educational Testing as a platform , horizontally compare representative National Educational Testing institutions in other countries and regions , vertically clarify the process of National Educational Testing institutions in china, to seek for experience for our country. Chapter 4 analyzes the problems of National Educational Testing institutions in China, and then treats them as the breakthrough in the reform. Through research there, it is quite safe to say that unclear nature, and un-professional level of these institutions, the infringement of the colleges and universities' autonomy on admission, these problems lead to candidates' weaker position. In Chapter 5, depending on the analysis on theoretical basis of reform, I believe that performing its official duties according to law, serving for the people, decentralization and public participation should be included as the reform's principles. Chapter 6 continues to provide possible measures to construct the legal status of the institution. From the legal point of view, this part tries to make the relationships between national educational institutions and educational administration, private examination institutions, universities and candidates.
Keywords/Search Tags:National Educational Testing, National Educational Testing institutions, Services, Separation of powers, The legal status
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