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Analysis On Property Of The Corporation Artificial Person

Posted on:2009-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272986304Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Property right of the corporation artificial person (PRCAP) is the key to the modern corporation system. It occurs going with the system of the corporation Artificial person. It challenges the traditional civil rights theory, particularly the theory on object right.For long time ,the experts in civil law and the corporation law have tried from different perspectives to define the nature of the PRCAP , trying to bring it to the civil right frame.The corporation law has no accurate illustration about the quality and connotation of the artificial person property , which arouses long time controversy in the learning circle and enterprise circle. There is no doubt that to understand the essence and connotation of PRCAP is significant for perfecting the lawmaking and strengthenning the operation of the corporation law. Studying the character of the PRCAP is not only significant for the theory,but also has important practical meaning for establishing the scientifical modern enterprise system.Startting from the property right of the western law system and chinese law system as well as the background of the problem of the PRCAP, the article illustrates the origin of the property of the corporation Artificial person.And then ,the article analyzes its concept,essence, characteristic and make a comparision of the conceptions as property right, title and ownership. At the same time, it explains the relation between the capacity of civil right and the property of the corporation Artificial person, stock right and the property of the corporation Artificial person. The main part of the article is about the exploration of the character of the property of corporation artificial person, witch includes the innovation of the corporation system and title system as well as the opinions about the property of the corporation artificial person. Finally, the author make a conclusion: the property of the corporation artificial person is absolute ownership (includes:possession, use, punishment, income), witch means that the corporation share the ownership of the property.
Keywords/Search Tags:property of the corporation Artificial person, the right capability of the corporation, the ownership of the corporation artificial person, stock rihgt
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