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Tentative Analysis About Reinforcing The People's Congress Representative Abilities In Participatory And Deliberation Of The State Affairs

Posted on:2009-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272976059Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country is the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the worker-peasant alliance. The nature of the state has decided all of the country's authority belongs to the people. That's to say the people are the master of the country and they have the power to administrate the state affairs, the economic and cultural enterprise and social affairs according to legal rules in the various approaches and forms. However, it is unrealistic for everybody to participate the state affairs directly in such a enormous country, and at least at present, the requirements can't be satisfied. Therefore, masses of the people can only take up the legal procedures to elect their own representatives to consist of the people's congresses at various levels representing the people to enforce the right delegated by the country. That is the people's congress system, the fundamental political system of our country. As a result of it, the deputy to the People's Congress is a cell of the people's congress organization, who takes on the responsibility of representing the people to manage state and social affairs. Whether the deputy can have an effect to exercise his powers and authorities, carry out obligations and play an active role doesn't only have a direct impact on exerting functions of the executive organs of the government, but also determines the image and authority of the National People's Congress and more importantly decide whether masses of the people can exercise the democratic rights being master in their own country. It is obvious that their responsibility is so significant, their mission is so exacting and their task is so crucial. Therefore, it is especially important, for strengthening and perfecting our democratic and political construction, whether we can improve quality of the representatives of the People's Congress and strengthen their ability in participatory and administration of the State affairs and really exercise the representative authority of the People's Congress.This essay mainly studies on the following laws such as the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Organic Law of the People's Congresses, the Organic Law of the People's Republic of China on the Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments ( the abbreviation is"Law of People's Congresses"), and concentrates on establishment of People's Congress and delegators from province district and city district. By current status analysis on all above this essay focus on why to promote inner abilities of People's Delegators, especially for promoting the abilities on participating and discussing policies. The paper work makes efforts to find the way to resolve problems by trying to make People's Delegators duties better than before. By this way the paper prefer to provide supports for enforcing inner abilities of People's Delegators participating and discussing policies.For the issues on enforcing and completing the rule of people's congress many professors and researchers do study widely and deeply, and take analysis on establishments on the problem of People's Delegators rules, and to find the way to support and complete the establishments of People's Delegators rules. The research in this field of Chinese scholars is the exploration to the whole system of the National People's Congress in the past, at present and in the future, as well as the reasoning of the methods with which we can improve the quality of people's deputies .But they focused on improving the system, such as macro-level discussion the most. The proof of this essay is divided into three parts, the first part of the deputies is the necessary to enhance the capacity of political participation and the second part is the reasons that reveals from the analysis of the current capacity and other problems and this part also give the basis and reference for the third part of how to solve the problem. The third part focuses on giving more feasible countermeasures of how to improve the capacity of people's deputies of the methods, approaches, from the self-construction, environment and other aspects of building. That is to say the main point of this essay is in the real life, and in the process of reasoning the essay uses detailed data as much as possible to enhance the view of convincing at the same time to achieve the way to solve the problem of fair, reasonable. However, because of my ability and other restrictions, the arguments maybe not that comprehensive and universal. Maybe it can only point to reach over noodles; And also there may be parts which are inadequate, immature, lake of theoretical basis in the process of thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Representative
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