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Research Into Legal Problems On Blank Bill

Posted on:2008-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242978913Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx believed that, transformation of the commodity into the bill is a thrilling leap. In the modern society, the blank bill is increasingly important. Therefore, there are detailed stipulations on formal characteristics, such as bill forms and conditions, in the various countries' laws. Along with the rapid development of the modern industry and commerce, the circulation speed of bill speeds up. And in the actual transaction, drawer, when issuing a bill he is nor sure of some items in the bill and he should retain the blank and authorize the bearer to supplement it after these items are determined, which is called the blank bill.The system of blank bill, a supplementary system to commercial instrument law, is a balance between efficiency and safety, which reflects the diversity of transaction and value orientation of pursuing efficiency, and keeps safe. Now, the blank bill has been accepted in the commercial instrument law of the world's leading countries and international conventions. However, in our country, we only accept blankness in the amount and payee in the blank bill, lacking stipulations on other specific systems, which is narrow, limited and incomplete in legislation of commercial instrument law. Accordingly, it is necessary for us to amend it to meet the needs of the development of the socialist market economy and being in line with international commercial rules. At the same time, there is of great significance in perfecting theory of commercial instrument law and in our judicial practice.In this article, the author, through a comprehensive introduction on the concept, the types, the constitutive requirements, supplementary right, remedy for loss of bill and protection for bona fide holder, generalizes the universal rules in blank bill by comparing provisions on blank bill in the major countries of two law systems, and puts forward his idea on perfecting our country's legislation by combining existing condition of blank bill in China...
Keywords/Search Tags:Blank Bill, Supplementary Right, Remedy for Loss of Bill
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