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Studies On Foster Damage CompensatioSystem

Posted on:2008-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q WuFull Text:PDF
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Foster system is an important social system on which a society relied to exist and develop. The foster systems in different societies have different characteristics, and in one society it has its own historical traits in different development stage. Therefore, each society in different development stage has its own foster system which meets the need of the social development and promotes the improvement of the society. In the course of the inter-action, foster system damage compensation legal system plays a critical role.China is a country with 5000 years of civilization history, in which the phylogeny of legal culture and legal system can be traced far back in ancient times. Foster damage compensation legal system also has a far-flung evolution history. During the course of China's 5000 years civilization, foster damage compensation legal system had different legal characteristics in different historical period and effectively promoted progress of the society. Nowadays China is in a period that the society improves rapidly, with all kinds of so ciety contradictions anfractuosities. With the continuous development of the social economy, the problems resulting from foster system, especially those of the elder will become a social problem on which we have to attach more and more importance. According to the data provided by U.N. Second World Assembly on Ageing and China National Committee of Ageing Problems. Old folks above 60 reached 132 million in 2002, accounted over 10% of China's total population. China already marched into the old age national ranks. In 2015 the population of China's aged people will pass 200 million, accounted about 14% of the total population. In 2024 the increa sing of the population of China's aged people will arrive at the peak, with the number exceeding 300 million. In 2040 the number will arrive at 374 million, accounted about 24.48% of the total population. The problem of foster aged people will become the toughest social problem. With the emergence of the problem of aged people foster system, tight attention also must be paid to the problem of minor foster system. Accordingly, with the above mentioned background, it is even more urgent to study the foster damage compensation legal system.Through the analysis of foster damage compensation system in different social development period of our country, the article introduces the study of current situation of our ongoing foster damage compensation legal system. After deep study of several concrete and scattered regulations of our ongoing foster damage compensation legal system, especially the articles of , the author sums up many defects of China's ongoing foster damage compensation legal system and puts forward his own opinions of how to solve the above mentioned problems when analyzing. The author is aiming to promote the continuous perfection of China's foster damage compensation legal system and to provide useful reference to the judicature practice in the environment of the ongoing legal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foster, Damage, Compensation
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