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Application Of Government Performance Evaluation And Its Result

Posted on:2009-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242481843Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Government performance evaluation means to evaluate and grade the effects reflected by devotion, output and achievement of government public sectors in management process, according to the judgments of efficiency, capability, service quality, public responsibility and public satisfaction of government management. Improving the government performance is not only the basic objective that every country's government pursues, but also the emphasis on which modern public management studies. Since mid 1980s, in order to cope with the severe international competition brought by the advancement of science and technology and the globalization, and solve the internal financial deficit, the government performance evaluation, which persists in the ideas that public responsibility and service object are the first, has been carried out universally by western countries. Study of government performance evaluation has already become an effective tool for many developed countries to carry out government reinvention, fulfill government responsibility, improve government management, increase government efficiency and improve government image.Along with the continuous deepening of reforms in economic and political systems of our country, more and more attention has been paid to government performance evaluation, which acts as the breakthrough for innovation of administrative management system and an effective management tool. In recent years, government performance evaluation has already become a hot issue in public management at home.Carrying out government performance evaluation and using the results of government performance evaluation scientifically and reasonably are important approaches for government reform and important means to strengthen the construction of civil servants troops. It has extremely important effects for increasing administrative efficiency, saving administrative cost, enhancing the people's satisfaction with the government and strengthening the government's public trust.Jilin Province is now in a key stage of strengthening development basis, adjusting economic structure and continuing accelerating development. The provincial government decides to carry out government performance evaluation and promote it to a global and strategic level. The essential purpose is to realize accelerating development, scientific development and harmonious development by government performance evaluation.This article analyzes the basic characteristic of government performance evaluation carried out in Jilin Province and application situation of the results of government performance evaluation, and puts forward the problems to which attention should be paid in practicing government performance evaluation. In addition, this article emphasizes that attention should be paid to the application of results of government performance evaluation to further push forward the reform and innovation of government management, to make leading cadres of all levels and civil servants firmly establish the scientific development view and correct achievement view, to further increase the government's executive ability and public trust, to further strengthen the construction of civil servant troops, by government performance evaluation. It also emphasizes the combination of performance evaluation result and administrative responsibility-asking system, to investigate the responsibility of main leaders in issues in which serious mistake is made, or great liability accident happens or serious social influence is produced, according to related regulations.This article puts forward suggestions that provincial government should fully reference the successful experiences and methods at home and abroad, and obtain detailed guidance of experts in related departments of State Council, in the starting stage of performance evaluation. The government performance evaluation should be fully prepared and carefully organized and prudentially carried out. The design of evaluation system should be not only scientific and reasonable, but also clear and simple as well as easy to operate. The subject, content, method and standard of government performance evaluation should be confirmed under the guidance of scientific development view. Attention should be paid to analyzing the result of government performance evaluation to improve the design of evaluation system. The result of government performance evaluation should be applied reasonably to make full play of its function. The development of government performance evaluation should be deepened to enhance the level of government performance management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application
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