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On The Realization Of The Right Of Government Knowing In China

Posted on:2008-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H QingFull Text:PDF
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As one of the rights to know in the field of public law, the right to know government is the cornerstone and specific embodiment of modern democratic politics. The confirmation and realization of the right to know government is the need of people to know public affairs and to take part in the state management. The guavantee of the right to know government is good for people to supervise the activities of the state organs and its workers, thus corruption can be eliminated radically, and it is also good for the harmonious development of the transitional and transformational society. In china, the theoretical study of the right to know government is not so mature, and the legal system about it is not so sufficient, either. Thus the behaviour of invasion of it often occurs in real situation, and this makes the public's right to know government can not be realized sufficiently and efficiently. Therefore. This article tries to make a systematic stuedy of the right to know government and the realization of it. The auther hopes that this will promote the realization of the right to know government in China and the perfection of the information openess system.This article is divided into four parts. First, it deals with the basic concept of the right to know government and it tells what is the right to know government. The second part expounds the legal principle basis and law basis of it to testify its reasonableness and legitimacy, and it also testifies its usefulness through the value analysis. This part tells why we need the right to know government. The third part uncovers the current situation and analyzes its real dilemma by introducing the process of its engendering and development. Besides, in this part, the author also states its real necessity. The last part brings forward the idea of constructing the protection system of the right to know government in China from three aspects, right confirmation, obligation creation and right relief.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Right to Know Government, Human Right, Opening, Guarantee from legal system
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