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The Research Of Petition Reform

Posted on:2008-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FengFull Text:PDF
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Petition is a long history of development of a special social and cultural phenomenon. With the country becoming, petition create. With the development of modern, Petition is a method of the the Communist Party of China,from the beginning, to establishe ties with the people and a way to communicate with the people. The Communist Party of China used it to lay a solid foundation of people. Now, there exist many problems to hinder petition on the track of rule of law, the issue of how reform is discussed in this paper.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part : A summary of petition. By analyzing the characteristics of the petition, summarized the concept of petition. Then the value of the petition explained that the petition is irreplaceable contemporary in China. The analysis of system, cultural, economic and social causes, pointe out that the petition conforms to Chinese actual conditions. Through this, can we have a preliminary understanding of the petition.Part II: Petition history. Petition divided into two parts : the history of ancient and contemporary history of the petition. Understanding the historical of development of Petition, we can understand some of the petition.Part III : Contemporary petition plight. From the legislative, institutional, system ,I analyse the three aspects of the plight of the petition. Legislative dilemma point to that there is not a unified China "Petition Law," This is the basis of other difficulties. The plight of system refers to that too many institutions cause to lack the necessary coordination mechanism; low efficiency; That petition agencies will be deprived of independence have led to the grass-roots activism and the loss of function and authority. The plight of system refers to the existing petition system is not in line with reality.Part IV : the rule of law developed related systems. Petition as a system with Chinese characteristics and the expression of public sentiment,in its extraterritorial comparison, it is difficult to find the corresponding system. Many modern country attaches great importance to the exercise of the right of citizens, they have a relatively complete civil and political participation. In this paper, I investigate the foreign express system of people with the view of the inspection system.Part V : Petition reform. Petition reform will define principles that run through the entire process of reform petition. It is the basic rules or standards. The author believes may adhere to the following principles : adhere to the mass line, according to the principle petition, the petition of an independent, harmonious society, the principle of gradual reform. Petition reforms can be divided into two paths for legislative goals. The first phase is environmental improvements ,that is the basis of the later reform stage. Chinese current legal environment petition is poor,there is no the legislative term,even if reluctantly, it is also difficult to implement. Therefore, at this stage we should focus on Chinese current situation, using the resources available for integration. I think we can revise the provisions of existing laws, and vigorously strengthen the rule of law petition, to pave the way for legislation. This petition for the second phase of the legislative process. After the first phase of reform, the petition legal environment has been considerably improved, the conditions are ripe for this petition. Through the formulation of the "Petition Law", the petition system is further improved to achieve the ultimate goal of the reform petition, the rule of law into its orbit.
Keywords/Search Tags:petition, history, plight, reform
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