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Study On The Current Situation And The Tendency Of The Local Administrative Hierarchy System

Posted on:2008-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215993035Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, there exists an administrative hierarchy system of four levels in localgovernment, which is beyond the regulations for 'three-level' system of localadministrative regions. This is not only against the value of 'serving administration' and'administration by law', but also the ideal design of governmental functions, and thusresult in the problem of over-leveled administration and repetition of governmentalfunctions.Great achievements since the reform and opening policy in China have offeredmature and practical political, economical, cultural, technological and human-resourceconditions for the reform of administrative agencies at local government. According tothe conditions in China, one way to construct the administrative hierarchy system forlocal government is: constructing a scientific and reasonable relationship between centraland local government with the division of personnel and financial rights; dividingbetween the city and county, canceling the city to realize the county directlyadministrated under the province; considering the government at the country and townlevel as the representative of that at the county level, so as to realize the managementmode of three level—province, county and country—for local government.The innovation of this managing mode requires the design of the systematicenvironment and the choice of the specific mode. The former includes the rationaldivision of functions and powers between hierarchical governments and the tax reformcentered on the cultivation of tax independence of local governments, while the latterasks for the diminish of city administration to realize the county directly administratedunder the province by division between the city and the county and transform of thegovernmental functions. On this basis, several measures such as transferring power to alower level, optimizing administrative frame in the county and speeding up governmentalconstruction, are taken to realize the empower of the county, in the meantime consider thegovernment at the country and town level as the representative of that at the county level, and optimize the governmental functions in the grass-roots units so as to prompt the newlevel-system of the governmental administration to be carried out.
Keywords/Search Tags:local government, administrative hierarchy system, counties administrated under the city, counties directly administrated under the province
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