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Under Rural Public Services Perspective Of Township Institution Reform

Posted on:2008-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212494287Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current township government institution reform is proposed under three big backgrounds: first, in the global rise of public management reform movement, the western various countries obtain the result in the reform, which has provided the new mentality for our country government. Second, a change in our social contradictions, contradictions called for speeding up the construction of a service-oriented government. The third, the new situation of rural tax and fee reform request Township to carry on the organization reform. Compared with other all levels of government apparatus reform, township institutional reforms have the obvious particularity. But theorists aren't enough to research particularity well; therefore it has vital significance to carry on special studies. In the meantime, Local Township is organizing a new round of institutional reform. The research which carries on this respect can also to provide the policy-making reference for the reform practice.China's township government is set up in accordance with the uniform regulations, its organization establishment, the function and the movement exist the question is mostly the same except for minordifferences. Take the whole penglai township as the example to carry on the case study, the real diagnosis research, can discover township institution the universal question. These questions include: numerous institution, fragmentary; a bloated staff, the management chaos; many functions, inclusive, and the great power of economic function, the weakness of public service functions, financial needs can not be guaranteed in the public service. Resolving these problem need to carry on township institution reform, there is no change in the functions of the previous township institutional reforms in place, institution and personnel simplifies has not great result, the vertical and horizontal relationships is difficult to straighten out as well as the public service system and the function is not perfect and so on .All these problem need to be overcome in the next reform.Public services and public goods in rural areas are in a serious shortage of reality, so reform is based on the new public management theory and the concept of limited government control, effective government, the market-orient civil service and so on ,which are include in the theory of governess. The reform refers to the latest research results and the successful experience of reform .It re-positions functions of township governments, and reduces institutions and personnel. The reform aims to establish the township management system which has few institutions, competent staff, efficient management and active service .The direction of the change of functions of township governments is to build a limited government, service-oriented governments which change from direct administration to indirect administrative ruling. The key of the change in the functions of township governments is spun off the economic function, in order to strengthen social management and public service functions. By removing barriers between departments and the management of the county double mechanism, streamline the functions of the vertical and horizontal relations. In the case of the adjustment of institutions, reduce government agencies to further streamline the integration, classification reform, and support the development of the social service agencies. Vertical institution in town should re-planning, The personnel diverges should be in the light of the proper principle and service agricultures, rural area and fanner , adopting various ways to carry on a placement .Meanwhile, we should support the county level to reform, improve county public finance system and reform the performance appraisal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural area, public service, township institution, reform
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