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Moral Construction Under Socialist Market Economy

Posted on:2007-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185958499Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The establishment of socialist market economy pushes Chinese economy to a stage of sustained and healthy development, with tremendous achievement made in economic construction and people's living standards improved a lot. However,it should be noted that the present moral life situation is far from satisfaction in the process of building socialist market economy .Actually ,immorality is a matter of common occurrence and the level of people's morality declines generally .Socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only a socialist society with tremendous progress in the material life but also a harmonious one with a coordinate development of material civilization and spiritual civilization . The sharp contrast between the remarkable economic progress and the undesirable immorality has made moral construction a pressing issueThe paper is mainly divided into three partsThe first part mainly discusses the necessity and possibility of the primary issue of necessity and possibility of the moral construction under socialist market economy .To the issue of necessity is analyzed from the following. Firstly, moral construction is an intrinsic requirement of building the socialism with Chinese characteristics. Secondly; it is indispensable for the sustained and healthy development of socialist market economy. Thirdly, immorality in real life is the practical requirement of moral construction. Finally, from the economic value of the morality perspective analyzes the necessity of moral construction. As for the possibility of moral construction, it has been elaborated with four aspects too: firstly, the establishment and development of market economy provides solid material foundation for moral construction. Secondly, market economy enhances awareness of main body's consciousness, which serve as the necessary subjective condition to moral progress. Thirdly market economy has brought people a comprehensive update of moral conception, which makes a new moral system possible. Finally, The fine tradition that has been formed during the revolution and construction of Chinese Communist Party provides the necessary conditions to strengthen moral constructionThe second part primarily analyzed that the issue of building the moral construction system under socialist market economy .First of all, it points out the guiding ideology of...
Keywords/Search Tags:socialist, market economy, moral construction
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