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Perfecting The Performance Evaluation System Of The Jiangsu Haisheng Company

Posted on:2006-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155454165Subject:Business Administration
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The performance evaluation means that the principal valuator examines theaccomplishment of the employees, the fulfillment of their responsibilities and feeds theresults back to staff by checking against the job target or performance standards withscientific appraisal methods .The performance evaluation can be used to decide whetherthe employees can get promotion .The performance feedback can make the staffunderstand how the organization judge their performance, which techniques and abilitiesno longer meet the demand of the work, thus spur the employees study continuously andenhance their ability. The appraisal of employees is mainly on their virtue, competence,diligence and performance, but what we assess is a person's work performance, so weonly need to assess the parts of the person which are related to the target of theorganization. The most obvious significance of the performance evaluation is to providethe basis for the human resource plan and guide the promotion, the exchange of positionand the dismission decision, And what is more, by the performance evaluation, we canalso make the employees understand the evaluation from the enterprise, their strengthsand weakness and what to improve, this would be of great help for the employees toimprove the work of their own. Moreover, the performance evaluation can also be aformal means of communication between the manager and the employees, which canpromote the understanding and cooperation between them.In the past, a lot of managers were not in deed aware of the importance ofevaluation to employees, they only treated the evaluation as a kind of control measure tothe employers. But now, performance evaluation has become an indispensable part of thehuman resource management, which is inseparable with various management activitiesof the enterprise.HaiSheng company introduced a performance management system in 2002, andestablished the performance evaluation system and evaluation tabulation for theemployees of the group. However, the evaluation system is too simple and it only madethe simple provision to the time of performance evaluation, the standard of theassessment, the valuator and the grade of assessment etc. What's more, this system wasput in the cabinet as a document at most time, which hadn't embodied what theperformance evaluation should do.Apart from putting the performance evaluation system in the cabinet as a document,what kind of problem exists in the system itself? I comprehend through questionnaireand group discussions that the main problems of the current performance evaluation ofthe group are as following: first, the contents of the evaluation are too simplistic becauseit adopted the same evaluation form for the employees from different departments.second, the selection of valuator is too concentrated to reflect the actual circumstance.third, the assessment system is too simple and the purpose of the assessment is toounilateral. fourth, it lacks of appraisal to the evaluation results and feedback to theemployees.Owing to the above, I reestablish《The performance evaluation system of HaiShengcompany》,and carry on the improvement to the system of the company as following:First, regarding the selection of the principal valuator for assessmentConcerning to the problem which the valuator is too humdrum and concentrated inthe past, the selection of the valuator is made to adopt the diverse principle to carry onthe comprehensive valuation from employees themselves, employees of the same classand the direct superior, etc., and the give the different power to different valuator, as forthe employee of different class, the principal parts of assessment is also different. Byprescribing the different power given to the principal parts, the candor and the equity forassessment is increased.Second, concerning the contents and standard of the evaluationIn the past, the company used the humdrum form to evaluate the employees ofdifferent section, which couldn't reflect the differences among the employees in eachsection of different levels. In the new performance evaluation system, the form for eachkind of employees has been improved, the forms were redesigned and the evaluation tothe work of the different parts has also been laid particular emphasis, and were reflectedin the evaluation form.Third, as for the feedback of the evaluation results and stating of the employeesThere is few feedback to the evaluation results in the original performanceevaluation of the group, the employees do not know the evaluation result of their own atall. In the new evaluation system, the feedback to the performance evaluation has beenstated clearly. The valuators are asked to feed the evaluation results back to the person intime, at the same time, for the embodiment of public and fair, the staff are allowed toconfide their real intentions and reasons, and the personnel department gives them repliesas soon as possible.This essay takes HaiSheng company as an example of my research, throughwhich I propose a list of suggestions as for how an company makes performanceevaluation in China today.First, in the process of performance evaluation, the design of theperformance standards shouldn't be too general or too detailed, otherwise it'll beextremely difficulty to carry out and make the strategic guide ambiguous as wellthough they may seem scientific and rational. Thus we should go deep into theanalysis of our work to make the performance standards concrete, personal, andadapt to the employees'responsibility. Secondly, the performance standardsshould be operated step by step. If we only pursue the amount, it will go to theopposite side sometimes, for performance reform is a process which should beperformed little by little.Second, when determining the performance evaluation period, the majorprinciple is to take the time an employee needs to achieve as a period. And itshouldn't be too frequent, or it will bring unnecessary work for both themanagement and employees, which finally leads to slack work. As for this kindof company as HaiSheng, because it has just adopted performance evaluation, theinterval could be shorter, say, a quarter of a year.Third, communication should be attached importance to in the process ofperformance evaluation. For our goal is not evaluation itself, but to make theemployees realize the goal and demand of the group and comprehend thedeficiencies in themselves through feedback, and to establish the scheme for theimprovement through face to face communication. Only by this way can wecombine the goal of the individual and the company so as to reach the maximumprofit of a company.Fourth, performance evaluation plays a more and more important role in theperformance management. But it can't exist as an isolated administrative method.Only when it is combined to other administrative method can it be effective.Because of the limitation of time and experience in management, there still laysome imperfections in the evaluation system, for example: How to measure theperformance index completely from the angle of strategy and the job duty, how to designthe evaluation system of the group from the company culture angle, both need to be...
Keywords/Search Tags:Haisheng company, performance evaluation, human resources management
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