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On The Protection Of The Rights Of Crilinal In Chinese Prison

Posted on:2012-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H DongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The protection of the rights of criminal is an important part of human rights protection in China. The offender is a special class of rights holders, and their legitimate rights are not lost due to criminal sentences. For a long time, In China prison work on the rehabilitation of offenders both concept and practice one-sided emphasis on offenders should be subject to management, the neglect of the protection of the rights of offenders. It has sometimes occurred that prison ignored, weaken, or even denial of the rights of the criminals. Some even to the perpetrators of gross violations of legal rights, such as overload, overtime labor, corporal punishment, maltreatment offenders, the normal random stop for the treatment of Offenders and so on. With the development strengthening the protection of the rights of offenders prison work has gradually become the construction of democratic and legal system in China and the needs of the international struggle for human rights.This article focuses on the rights of criminals in prison security, the structure is divided into three parts. On the basic of explaining protection of the rights of offenders prison, studied of the Chinese prison status of protection of the rights of criminals, affirmed achievements of the protection of the rights of Chinese prisons for criminals in the legal system construction, material security, supervision mechanism, especially the "PRC Prison Law" has been issued, It is milestone significance to our prisons legal system and protecting the rights. While affirming the achievements, focus on analyzing the shortcomings of the protection of the rights of prison terms for criminals. It is main not standardized that protection of the rights of criminals in prisons legal system and enforcement procedures, the existence of errors of law enforcement of the main ideological, material conditions for protecting the rights of criminals is lagging behind, there is a deviation of prison regulate law enforcement, the supervision mechanism of protecting the rights of offenders prison is not enough. In the last part of the paper, discusses the perfect path of the protection of the rights of offenders prison in China's, First, improving the protection of the rights of offenders prison legal system; second is to improve prison regulate law enforcement capacity; third is to improve prison funding mechanism; Fourth, improve the criminal legal system right relief.
Keywords/Search Tags:rights of criminal, security status, legal system, right to relief
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