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The Study Of Somali Pirates

Posted on:2012-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335464998Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Piracy has existed since ancient. Before 2005,Somali pirates have not attracted worldwide attention. Before that, the pirates of the South China Sea, Malacca Strait and region of Nigeria have been the focus of attention of the world. Since 2005, East African waters suddenly increase the number of incidents of piracy, Pirates once again attract the world's attention to Somalia, the area has also become the most horrible waters in the word.The emergence and development of the Somali pirates have complex reasons. In this article, the author tries to analyses it from three aspects:the objective geographical conditions, domestic restrictive factors and external stimulus. In the course of the analysis, the author try to sum up a pirate development roadmap: fishermen-pirates——professional-pirate——warlord-pirate. At the same time, In the process of development, Somali pirates formed a Unique commit crime mode:the hijacking of vessels-wait for the ransom-the release of hostages. Under that mode, somali pirates show distinctive features——Open, act fast, symbiotic, spillover effect. Precisely because of this, Somali pirates have done more and more serious damage to themselves and the international community, triggering worldwide concern.In June 2008, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1816 (2008), which authorized all of the countries to deploy naval vessels and military aircraft to enter the territorial waters of Somalia to fight against piracy, for which advance notification has been provided by the Somali Transitional Federal government(TFG) to the Secretary General. Since then, many countries around the world and some organizations have dispatched warships to escort operations in the Gulf of Aden. Meanwhile the international community began to strengthen co-operation include judicial governance, regional governance, self-protection and other aspects. Efforts achieved certain results, but instead more rampant piracy crimes.This is because, so far, Pirates organization is expanding quite rapidly, which have formed a complex relationship with the original domestic warlords and anti-government organizations, and have the trend of close co-operation. If want to completely control the problem of piracy, it must destroy their nests, but it will encroach on the profit of local warlords and anti-government organizations. At the same time, Somali Transitional Federal government unable to control the situation, in view of previous lessons and realities, the international community can't easily involve in. Therefore, normally pirates not threatened on the land, this is a biggest difficult and a structural contradiction. Thus, international society's efforts can only play a limited role in treating the symptoms. To thoroughly solve the problem needs Somalia and the international community to make unceasingly and substantial efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:somali pirates, cause, characteristic, hazards, structural contradiction
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