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Goes On Duty For Somebody Else The Practice Period Rights And Iterests Leagal Safeguard By The Duty Student

Posted on:2010-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X PangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Secondary vocational schools is to cultivate talent and skill base of highly qualified workers, Ding Gang theoretical teaching and practice closely integrated, students in school for two years theoretical knowledge and practical foundation for Ding Gang, the last one year internship at the intern Ding Gang, technology and management capacity in a specific job to apply the theoretical knowledge learned into practice, the means of production and business combination, which is different from the traditional secondary vocational school education and teaching is their practice of teaching vocational schools the important part. Ding Gang internship in the process of college students and did not get a diploma from a management point of view is still in student status students, "student" role has not changed. Ding Gang and the college students from pre-practice, practice units to the school through written tests, interviews and a series of examinations until they were selected internships, work in an enterprise, they are undergoing attachment unit management in practice in the process of doing the work and enterprise there is no difference between the official trade union, but there is a corresponding reward, which indicates that college students with internships in established labor relations is a quasi-working interns. Since it is a worker shall be entitled to the rights of workers, in the Dinggang practice injuries occurred during the accident should be recognized as work-related injuries and enjoy work-related injuries treated. Practice in the post health Ding Gang, before the latter usually half in the fourth semester, the school will prepare students to work internships, which examine the most critical is the school internships, select the material well-equipped, professional counterparts, formal enterprises to schools in recruiting interns, this is two-way selection process, schools have chosen conditions are good businesses, enterprises choose an integrated high-quality students. Until the students to intern, schools play an intermediary role, students and the schools there is still an intermediary between the nature of legal relationship. School for the completion of teaching tasks, but also compensate for lack of school material and equipment defects, in the last school year, the internship phase, students in schools should be entrusted to the education and management internships, internships internship units by the end of the appraisal report issued by student internships, internships units and schools commissioned a legal relationship exists. Because China's relevant laws and regulations do not explicitly bring interns into the scope of protection, thus violating the legitimate rights and interests of interns phenomena have occurred, the most serious is not in full payment of wages, unequal pay, internships during the accident the nature of the difficult to prove. Damages the interests of the interns when the intern should bear tort liability, the school should be according to their degree of fault bear the corresponding complementary joint and several liability. In order to better safeguard the staff was born in Dinggang legitimate rights and interests during the internship should improve legislation; schools should earnestly perform their duties to play the advantages of traditional education to raise the level of student thinking and understanding; students should be with the a forward, raising legal awareness, learn how to use legal weapons to protect their rights and interests, so that maintenance staff during the training of Health Dinggang the legitimate rights and interests of security system is built up.
Keywords/Search Tags:Secondary vocational school, Dinggang practice, workers, legal responsibility, Protection
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