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Information And The Choice And Action Of Chinese New Industrial Road

Posted on:2005-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152455908Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 16th People's Representative Conference has ppinted out the scientific discussion and judgement .We should stick to the mutual development of industrialization and imformation, come by a route of higher technology ,better economy ,lower consumption of resources and less pollution of environment ,and also bring the advantage of talents into full play .The academic circles attach much importance to this significant and theoretial problem ,that is "the new line of industrialization." This article begins with the connotation of industrialization which not only shows the characteristic of it, but also tells the differences between the traditional industrialization and modern industrialization. These factors cause China to come by the new line inevitably in the present period. By applying the informative technology, we may improve the efficiency of production, business affairs and other economic activities, and also promote competitiveness. This article clarifies the relationship between information and industrialization , and also points out that it is necessary to realize the modern industrialization in this way.First of all, we should promote the development of informative industry. The scale and development of it is a significant symbol of measure 'the modernization of a country, and it becomes more and more important in economy. However, in the field of information industry, there exists some problems ,such as the unsound policies and laws. While in this case ,we must establish some corresponding laws to regulate the structure of industry, strengthen the training of talents ,and make China to be a beneficial status in the international competitions. Secondly, it is actual to transform the traditional industry with informative technology. Yet ,the traditional industry still plays a major part in the industry ,in order to transform this situation, we have to set up the mutual understanding, innovate the structure of investment, make proper use of the capital market, and also develop various of modern and specialized services. Thirdly, we should advance the development of enterprises' information. Bring the important part of running and operating in enterprises, which may improve the efficiency of the business. Well, in order to solve the problems which exist in the area of information. Furthermore, the leaders of enterprises should be on the initiative to join in the construction ,organize some specialized organs and take some corresponding measures. Finally, we should structure the system conditions of information and industrialization, set up the sound economic conditions instead of the government authority to become the main force. While the government should do its' own business well.
Keywords/Search Tags:information, industrialization, new industrialization
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